"Not even Cato?" I ask.

"Especially not Cato. Who knows what he would do if he found out you're alive. That could get him executed which is what Snow wants. Right?" She wonders.

"Yeah he explained his whole plan to me. Kill him then kill me." I say.

"Okay." She lowers her voice even more. "Listen, they're treating you well now but soon they're going to torture you. I'm not supposed to tell you but be aware, okay? They're going to do anything to get Cato executed."

"Alright." A Peacekeeper knocks on the door to tell Enobaria she has to go.

"Bye Enobaria." I say.

"Bye Clove." She replies.

An Avox comes in comes in to serve me dinner. It's a little bigger portion than last time but it was definitely still a struggle to finish.

She comes back in to give me my medicine and a spoonful of sleep syrup. I almost fall asleep instantly.

When I wake up it's time for Cato's second interview. The television turns itself on. Caeser and Cato are seated on a sofa. Caeser introduces himself and gets straight to the interview. He starts talking about me and I can see a bit of pain cross his face.

"So Cato I think we're all wondering about Clove." Caeser says.

"What about her?" He asks.

"Well I think their all wondering if you ever liked her." Caeser responds.

"Well.. just between you and me," He looks at the camera, "Maybe I did."

He just announced to the whole world he likes me.

Is he insane?

Actually he probably is.

The talk a little more about me but then change the subject to Two. Twenty minutes later the interview ends.

Cato is finally going home.

The Avox comes in with my lunch and my medicine for me to talk. She looks a bit shaken up. Like she's trying to warn me with her eyes.

I think I know exactly what she means. After I take my medicine I start feeling strength returning in my legs. I try to get up. Holding onto the headboard of the bedframe I slowly pull myself up. Once I'm on my feet I hold onto the nightstand and start moving forward slowly. I let go of the nightstand and put my hand on the wall. Slowly but steadly I'm making progress. Finally I gather courage to let go of the wall. When I do I'm surprised I didn't fall. I walk around the room. After I'm comfortable I start speedwalking, and then eventually jog. Then I realize that Cato isn't gone yet! I can see him now.

I leave the room for the first time in a few days and go to the elevator. Thankfully, there's no Peacekeepers in sight.

I go to the window and see a limousine pulled up. I'm assuming that Cato's going to be out there soon. If I don't get to that car before he does, I doubt I'll ever see him again.

I push the button for the elevator. After a few minutes the doors open. I quickly press the main level button. The doors close and the elevator zips down. When it opens there are Peacekeepers standing there. I run through them.

"Hey! Young lady! Get back here!" One of them yells.

I push open the doors. I see Cato about to get in the car.

"Cato!" I shout. He looks at me for a minute but Enobaria pushes him inside the car. "Cato!" I yell again. Im running to the car but the Peacekeepers get me.

They hold me back.

"Let go of me you little shits." I try to yank my arms free.

"You're coming with us." They drag me back into the building.

"Leave me alone!" I yell.

One of them takes me to the elevator and puts me back into my old room. Then he leaves me alone.

I sink to the ground and start sobbing. My only chance to see Cato ruined! Now they're going to kill both of us. Because of my stupidity.

And I'll never see him again.

A few days later as I suspected, Peacekeepers come in to take me to a Capitol torture facility. I'm shaking in fear as we arrive. They blindfold me and practically drag me into the building.

They bring me to a room and take off my blindfolds. It's a completely white room with a glass window to show the disgusting faces of the people torturing me.

They strap me down to a chair and leave the room. Someone presses a button and gallons of icy water drop on me. I let out a loud scream.

I find out seconds later that I'm seated in an electric chair.
srry clove

anyway dont forget to comment and vote!

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