[♦️High school AU]

Start from the beginning

By the end of the game, the outcome is clear. Bruce's team has lost. The crowd disperses, the excitement replaced by a somber silence. I make my way to the locker room, my heart heavy. As I meet up with Bruce, I brace myself for the storm that's about to come.

"Hey, baby. Are you alright?" I ask him softly. He laughs sarcastically, angrily slamming his locker shut. I jump at the sound, the loud bang echoing in the otherwise quiet locker room.

"Do I look fucking okay to you?" he yells, his voice harsh and filled with frustration.

Bruce paces back and forth, frustration etched on his face. The locker room is filled with a tension you could cut with a knife. I watch him, my heart aching.

"Bruce," I begin, my voice barely above a whisper, "it's just a game. You did your best."

He whirls around to face me, his eyes flashing with anger.

"You call what happened out there my best?" he snaps, growing angrier and disgusted. "I was pathetic!"

"Come on, Bruce. Don't talk like that. You -" I try to reason with him, but he cuts me off.

"How the hell would you even know? You weren't there!" he yells in my face.

I reel back, shocked. "Are you kidding me?" I yell back. "I was there! I am there every single time! I call, I text but I receive silence from your end!"

"But you weren't there when it mattered!" he retorts, his voice echoing in the locker room.

We argue back and forth, the words becoming harsher, the accusations more hurtful. Finally, Bruce loses his patience.

"Get out, Natasha!" he yells, pointing towards the locker room door.

"I... I'm sorry, Bruce," I stammer, tears streaming down my face.

"Just leave, Natasha!" he yells again, his voice cold and distant.

I look back at him, deeply hurt. I wanted to be there for him, but now I'm realizing that our relationship was destined to fail from the start.

"If I leave, don't expect me to come back," I say, my voice steady despite the tears.

"Good! Get out, damn it!" he yells.

"Screw this. I'm done." I mutter.

With that, I turn on my heel and leave the locker room.

I stumble out of the locker room, tears streaming down my cheeks. The shock of Bruce's words still echo in my ears. He didn't even care that I wasn't coming back. He didn't care that he'd lost me forever. I can't believe it.

I'm shocked, hurt, and my heart feels like it's been ripped out of my chest.

As I blindly make my way through the hallway, I bump into someone. I look up to see Wanda, her eyes filled with concern. "Natasha?" she asks, her voice filled with worry. "What happened?"

I shake my head, unable to form the words. Wanda doesn't press for details. Instead, she wraps an arm around me and guides me outside. The cool evening air is a sharp contrast to the stifling atmosphere of the locker room.

She helps me into her car and drives me home. The ride is silent, but it's a comfortable silence. It's clear that Wanda is giving me space to process what just happened.

Once we reach my home, Wanda helps me inside and up to my bedroom. She helps me into bed, pulling the covers up to my chin. She sits on the edge of the bed, her hand gently brushing away the tears that are still streaming down my face.

"Try to get some rest, Natasha," she says softly. "We can talk about it in the morning, if you want."

I hesitate for a moment, then shake my head. "Can you stay, Wanda?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. "I... I don't want to be alone right now."

Wanda nods, moving to sit next to me on the bed. "Of course, Natasha," she says, her voice filled with warmth. "I'm here for you."

We sit in silence for a while, the only sound being the soft ticking of the clock on the wall. Then, I find myself opening up to Wanda, revealing things I've never told anyone before.

"Bruce... he was my weakness," I admit, my voice barely above a whisper. "I kept going back to him, even though I knew it was a mistake. I guess... I guess I just prefer familiar things, even if they're bad for me."

Wanda listens quietly, offering comfort and understanding. After a while, she asks, "And what about me, Natasha? Am I bad for you?"

I look at her, surprised by her question. Then, I shake my head and manage a small smile. "Nah, you're not so bad, Maximoff."


here you go @Random19XX

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