Kimbaps & Kind Talks

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Summary: a girl found a boy being cornered by some bullies. homeless, alone, and starving, the boy asked the girl if she could please buy him some food.

the girl said yes.

(Their first meeting isn't really a meeting, but more of a moment where their lives briefly touched then went their separate ways. But everything starts from somewhere.)


She meets him again when she is walking home from school, the light of the sunset dying the sky hues of orange and gold.

They both stop, equally surprised when they see each other again.

"Oh, you're the..." Dayeon trails off, not sure how to finish that sentence. Homeless boy? Runaway that was starving and asked me for food? Kid who's all alone? None of those sound particularly appealing, and she doesn't want to be rude.

While she's lost in thought, the boy rummages through his pockets before finally pulling out what he wanted— the money she had given him the day before. She notices that half of it has been used.

"H—Here," the boy holds out the crinkled money. "Thanks for before, you really saved me. This is all I have, but I'll pay back the rest soon."

Dayeon hesitantly takes it. "Oh, you don't have to do this... will you have anything left for yourself?"

"I'll be alright." He reassures her.

"Well, if you say so." Dayeon goes to bow before she suddenly hears a stomach growl loudly. She looks up to see the boy turning bright red.



Dayeon can't help but let out a soft laugh when she sees the boy's embarrassed face.

"You know, I'm actually feeling a little bit hungry myself. There's a convenience store right around the corner, care to join me?"

" ... yes please."

Dayeon begins walking, and after a moment the boy follows her. Dayeon glances at him. She can already tell he's a bit on guard and on the quiet side, so she tries to loosen him up.

"You know, now that I think about it, I never got your name last night," says Dayeon. The boy tenses for some reason so Dayeon tries to put him at ease by introducing herself first. "I'm Dayeon."

The boy hesitates, jaw working, like he was struggling with himself. Dayeon turns to look at him and he meets her eyes. She waits, smiling patiently, and slowly some of the tension dissolves in his shoulders.

"My name is... Isak."

"Isak," Dayeon repeats the foreign name slowly and the boy gives a strange sort of shudder, like he's never heard his own name come out of another's mouth before. She eyes the reaction curiously and gives him a smile. "That's a nice name."

The boy doesn't look like he knows what to say to that. "Um, thank you," he says. His face is still stained with blush.

They walk in silence for a few minutes, and Dayeon steals another glance at him. He's relaxed a bit more, so he isn't hiding his face under his cap like before, and now she can see the giant bruise swelling on his cheek.

"Hey," she says, snapping his attention back to her. "Are you alright? You have..." Dayeon trails off and gestures helplessly to his face.

He blinks in surprise, almost as if he's startled she noticed the fresh bruise painting his face. "Oh. Um, yeah, I got into a fight earlier today."

Dayeon gasps. "Was it those guys again?" She cries, dismayed.

Isak flinches. "Well, I did run into them again..."

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