I'm Your Dream Come True

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"Parker.." Milo warned, chuckling as he saw the way her eyes widened at the menu. No doubt overthinking the price. "I told you I got it. I'm serious, order what you want.."

She bit her lip, she hated people paying for her. It wasn't her thing. She earned everything she had and that's the way the world is suppose to work.

People didn't just spend money on you out of the kindness of their heart..

Especially not after all the weeks of gifts and flower deliveries he had already purchased when trying to say sorry..

Then again.
Maybe he was as different as he promised.

"Okay.." Reluctantly Parker gave in, her eyes scanning the menu looking for something to order. However she couldn't when the time came, forcing Milo to make the next move.

"Can you get her the same as me.. and this." He pointed to a random appetizer, thanking the waitress before bringing his straw to his lips.

"You are so stubborn.." Her lips parted shocked that he was so willing to call her out.
"I'm not stubborn!" She argued back, "I just .. I don't let people pay for me.."

"What about dates?" Parker snorted, "Making a man pay is archaic.."

Milo scrunched his eyebrows. "My mom raised me to be a gentleman, I always pay for my dates—or friends..."

"Well that's amazing and all but last time I checked most men don't do it to be polite.. They do it so you owe them.."

Milo nearly choked on his drink, coughing into his arm when he realized he was in a bit over his head with Parker.

Most woman he had ever been interested in either one weren't interested in him or two didn't mind him pulling out his wallet no matter the cost.

"...Has that happened a lot to you?"

"Has what?" Her face flushed suddenly as she noticed the way he looked at her. She felt as if she had given too much about herself away in just a single sentence.

"N-nothing.. I just.." Racking his brain for the right words he decided a gentle, honest approach was best. "I just want you to know you don't owe me a thing... ever."

"Okay.." Biting down on her lip enough to leave a mark, she swallowed the lump in her throat. Never had a guy been so sweet or so spot on..


As the meal went on Parker found herself gaping at the guy multiple times.

Milo was a lot like a child mixed with an old soul trapped into a 22 year olds body.

A 22 year old with a killer jaw line..

No.. focus Parker

"I would totally take my mom on a date!" He insisted, his eyes glowing with excitement.
"You're not serious! No guy is that cool with his mom.."

"We are very close." Swiping a roll from their shared plate he dipped it in sauce. "She's like my best friend honestly." Stuffing the roll into his mouth Parker swallowed a little too hard. His confession hit her somewhere it hurt.

"That sounds really nice." She tried her hardest to make it sound genuine but something gave it away. She could see it the way his eyes studied her.

"How about your parents?" Sighing, she knew it was coming but she was hoping she could've played it cool. She was hoping he'd let it go..

"They were great.." Milo's face fell the second the sentence lingered in the air. Parker avoided eye contact as always whenever the subject got brought up. Her eyes instantly focusing on the roll she was slowly grabbing. "From what I remember.."

"I'm.. fuck—I'm sorry." Milo sat up, realizing another mistake as he pushed her yet again. He never meant to push for information but he was a talker and he loved getting into long, deep conversations. It was just nice to hear about someone other than yourself for a change..
"You don't have to.. I mean you probably know that but you totally don't have to explain it."

Maybe he had gotten her wrong.. around Thanksgiving it looked like she was buying enough food to make a feast for her what he had assumed to be rather large family.

"Thank you." Parker sighed in relief, a moment of silence fell around them.

Scrubbing his hands against his pants his nerves getting the best of him yet again. He blurted out the safest question he knew of.
"So do you like theater ?"


Their conversation flowed after that, both of them falling into a comfortable banter with probing questions here and there. Milo made sure to avoid things that seemed like they could upset her such as family and her childhood.

It seemed to work but had him wishing they were closer. That she felt comfortable to tell him...

Maybe in time..

He had paid as promised and they took the scenic drive home. Parker was impressed with his knowledge of the trails and hiking areas around the outskirts of town. Actually she was impressed with his general knowledge of everything.

"Oh! Porters has the best cup of coffee ever.." With excitement he pointed to a tiny little mom and pop type of place walking distance from there apartment building. "Doesn't look like the type of place I'd picture you in?"

"Really? I love little places like that.. Rena and James, the owners are the sweetest—"

"Hold up—You know the owners names?" Milo nodded trying to hide his grin as he was happy he managed to impress her with something.
"Yeah like I said best cup of coffee."
"...I think you might be the nicest person I ever met in LA.." Parker said out loud. It was more to herself but it impressed her.

A month ago she thought he was a typical LA trust fund asshole..

Never would she have ever thought that guy, also being an actor could be so genuine and kind.

It's like the guy didn't have a single bad bone in his body..

So why did he act so off brand that one night?

"I just love people.."

"Yeah you definitely aren't human."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Replying with a grin on his face Parker couldn't help but laugh. "Good.. It was one."


"Today was fun.."

"Ooo does that mean, we could hang out again?" Milo raised his eyebrows biting down on his lips.

"Most likely.. You have very redeeming qualities." Parker smirked before stepping into her apartment.
"Thanks again for today. I think I just really needed that." She tried to hide her small smile before closing her door.

Milo being the dork he was fist pumped into air as he walked backwards towards the elevator.

He was going to show Parker if it was the last thing he did that he really was the nice guy..

And maybe this time.. being a nice guy would finally get him somewhere.

Oh, it's like that, I'm your dream come true

Feather (A Milo Manheim Short) Where stories live. Discover now