7: Hugs and Hesitations

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Killian was momentarily stunned by the girls embrace, his mind racing with a mixture of shock and surprise. Her arms wrapped loosely around his waist radiated heat; surrounding him in a feeling of warmth that he felt starved of. He wanted more of it, he wanted to order her to hold him tighter, to snake his arms around her waist and pull her close.

But just as he relaxed her dulcet voice mumbled "Don't get caught" muffled by his clothes and she pulled away speedily fleeing down the path out of view.

An unknown and unfamiliar feeling tugged inside his chest as he watched the little princess run away. It confused and irritated him! She was nothing like what he had expected; surprisingly shy for a royal and seemingly sweet, a refreshing change to the overly confident nobles. But there was still so much he didn't know about her...

Sure, she looked like the type of person to pick wild flowers and hand them out to strangers so they'd have a better day and the way she blushed at his slightest touch was adorable, but it was probably just an act...

"Your majesty I beg your pardon for the disturbance"

Killian was instantly snapped back to reality his face hardening losing any remnant of a smile he had "what do you want Warner?" He asked annoyed

"The king demands your presence in the ballroom" Killian ran a hand over his face with a groan "he said your attendance is not a mere choice it is your duty "

"Right" he spoke his voice dripping with mock enthusiasm as he turned on his heels, slowly making his way back into the castle.

Although he was extremely powerful and vicious, the one thing he had to follow was the king.


"Kil there you are!" His friends yelled motioning him to come over to the group of girls he had accumulated

"Youu know you missed quite the s-sscene" Raiden started, his words slurring together from the excessive amount of blood brew he drank "your bride to be was here"

"Am I supposed to care?" Killian asked trying to brush him off breezily, his expression remaining relaxed as he calmly leaned against a marble pillar

"Well, I don't know." Raiden said bluntly. "She caught a lot of attention from the others, god did you know how sweet the smell of royal blood is- hey when you got married you'd let me s-."

"Don't" Killian spat out

Raiden looked at him with suspicion, smirking in amusement—it was a shit eating grin as if he had just won some sort of conquest by making him react with such a small comment

"Hmm" raiden hummed, sarcastically pondering, "could it be that the prince has found himself new inamorata or will she just be your latest blood bag?"

His patience was wearing thin. He was already irritated from having to attend this whole ordeal and his drunken friend wasn't making it any better "You have your entire life to be an idiot. Why not take a night off?" He remarked grabbing the new glass Raiden had reached for and chugging it down.

The faster this night was over the better.

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