5: In the Garden

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Don't trip. Don't trip. Don't trip.Don't trip. Don't trip. Don't trip.Don't trip. Don't trip. Don't trip.Don't trip. Don't trip. Don't trip.

Aurora kept repeating in her head as she walked down the grand staircase while her hand tightly held on to the banister for dear life. She tried her best to look as if she was slowly floating down and it was going well until she missed the last step and lost her balance, wobbling as if she were a baby dear that was learning to walk.

It wasn't that bad right? she wishfully hoped and brought her hand up to her cheek to hide her flushed features. She decided not to linger near the stairs around the snickering people and glanced around the room trying to find the best spot to patiently wait out the night with minimal small talk.

Seeing the perfect place Aurora began slip through the crowd trying to make herself as small as possible. But her plans were abruptly shattered.


The unsettling sound of smashing glasses echoed around the room and her eyes widened in fear as people instantly started to turn their attentions towards her. Aurora and the sever who had bumped into her found themselves drenched in what she assumed was red wine and other guest were quick to state their opinions...

"Oh she's the Princess I expected something more"        

"Will there even be a royal wedding?"

"I can't believe she gets the prince all to herself what a bitch".

"Wow that brat made the waiter spill his tray"

"Why are they even tainting the pure vampire line, humans will never be anything more than livestock"

Their crude words made her eyes mist over with tears and she tried to breath deeply to keep them from falling down. Afraid to hear anything more Aurora took the opportunity of someone else entering the room to push past the crowd and head straight towards a heavy set of doors. She had to use both hands to push on it with full force until it begrudgingly opened and she slipped out into the garden.


As she ran and ran, the cold night wind stung her face but she didn't let that slow her. Turning a corner, she suddenly collided with a firm wall of muscle. But before she could scream, a large hand tightly closed over her nose and mouth. She couldn't breathe; her face flushed bright red. Aurora lifted her gloved hands and tried to pry the other person away with all her might. Finally, she got him to shift down slightly – just enough for her to breathe.

"Be quiet or they'll find us" A deep hushed voice came from overhead

The sound of shouting armoured guards followed, "quick I think she went this way!" with the noise of stomping boots as they hit the cobbled path

When the racket finally faded she looked up at the stranger. He was a tall but concealed within the shadows – only his scarlet eyes, flashing with suspicion and watchfulness, were faintly discernible. He moved his hand away only to firmly grab ahold of her arm. Nothing but a thin layer of cloth separated her from his rough, chilled touch.

"Y-you can't just grab someone l-like that! ..." Aurora stammered trying to calm her flustered breathing

"Don't play coy sweetheart. You know without me you would have quickly been caught"

Her stomach flipped at the name but she ignored it "I-im not your sweetheart, I have a name" she tried to firmly retaliate

The man chuckled while stepping out of the shadows. He towered over her. Everything about him screamed power, he wore a perfectly fitting suit with details of gold that stood out of the black fabric and a velvet clock lined with ermine fur, his dark unruly hair contrasted with his sharp features and brought out the intensity of his vermillion eyes

"Then enlighten me angel" he leaned forward slowly until his oppressive aura engulfed her completely, their faces inches from each other "what is your name?"


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