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context: Seungmin has type 1 diabetes

Seungmin, a member of Stray Kids, lived a vibrant and energetic life despite facing a daily battle with type 1 diabetes. His positive attitude and determination inspired those around him. One sunny day, the group was in the midst of a busy schedule, rehearsing for an upcoming performance.

As the day progressed, Seungmin started feeling the effects of his fluctuating blood sugar levels. He tried his best to manage it discreetly, not wanting to draw attention or cause concern among his fellow members. However, as the hours passed, his condition worsened.

During a break, Seungmin's vision blurred, and his legs weakened. He stumbled, feeling the room spin around him. Determined not to let his condition disrupt the schedule, he pushed himself to keep going. Unfortunately, his body had other plans.

As Stray Kids resumed their rehearsal, Seungmin's legs gave out beneath him, and he collapsed onto the floor. Unbeknownst to him, Changbin, always attentive to his friends, noticed something was amiss. He immediately rushed towards Seungmin, catching him just in time to prevent a hard fall.

"Seungmin, are you okay?" Changbin asked with genuine concern, supporting his friend and helping him sit down.

Seungmin, pale and sweating, weakly nodded. "I think my blood sugar is too low," he admitted, his voice shaky.

Changbin, understanding the gravity of the situation, quickly took out a glucose tablet from his pocket and handed it to Seungmin. "Here, take this. We need to get your blood sugar back up."

As Seungmin consumed the glucose tablet, the rest of the Stray Kids gathered around, expressing their worry and support. Chan, the group's leader, called for a break, ensuring Seungmin had enough time to recover.

Changbin continued to stay by Seungmin's side, offering comfort and reassurance. "You know, Seungmin, it's okay to let us know when you're not feeling well. We're a team, and we're here for each other."

Seungmin smiled weakly, grateful for the understanding and care his friends provided. "I just didn't want to cause any trouble," he admitted.

Chan spoke up, "Taking care of each other is never trouble. We're like family, and we need to look out for one another. Now, let's make sure you're okay before we continue, okay?"

With the support of his friends, Seungmin slowly regained his strength. Changbin, always observant and caring, made sure Seungmin took the necessary steps to stabilize his blood sugar. As the group resumed their activities, there was a newfound sense of unity among Stray Kids, strengthened by the bonds of friendship and the understanding that they were there for each other in both good times and bad.

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