2.First day

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Both of the best friends got ready and went to college, in their car, of course. When they got there, they were shocked to see how big the college was.

As they entered the college, many eyes were on them. For two reasons, 1. They are new and 2. They are hot and cute at the same time! They walked to the main office to get their schedule.

As they were getting their schedule from the office lady, they noticed that they only had one class together, P.E. Out of all the class, they had P.E. together!

"Ugh! We only have P.E. together!"

"I know, right!? Like we both know we're not going to do shit in that class!"

Both of them said. But after they both went or at least tried to find their first class.

Felix's first class was English. And Jisung's was math.

Somehow, Felix found his class first and went into the class. But when he walked in, the teacher was already teaching, so the teacher stopped when she heard him enter. All eyes were on him.

"You're late!"

The teacher said in a cold voice, making felix feel a bit scared.

"Am sorry..."

Felix bowed as an apology, trying not to get in trouble.

" Introduce yourself to the class."

"Umm.. Hey... my name is Lee felix, and I am hoping to make good friends!"

Felix introduced himself to the class before the teacher made him pick his seat for him, which was lucky in the back.

With Jisung.

For Jisung, it was completely different. He was now 20 minutes late to class and still didn't know we're to go until..

Until...he heard talking from behind him. He turned around and found 4 tall ass guys walking behind him.

Soon, one of the guys looked at him. Then, all of them looked at him.

"Who are you?"

One of them said his voice was cold but soft at the same time.

"A-am Jisung... Han Jisung! Am new here.. Can you help me find my class?"

Jisung hasn't really looked up at there faces, since he was looking down.

"Look up when you talk to us!"

Jisung jumped a little at the voice. Behind looking up, and boy, they were fineeeeee.

One of them looked like he was the oldest. He was tall but not the tallest. He looked so fine in the school uniform.

The second one was tall as fuck, the tallest off all of them. He looked hot, I mean, like, he knew felix would immediately fall for him.

The third one was the smallest one, but boy, was he mascular, like the uniform was holding on for dear life!

And then...the last one...he had a cat-like face. His face was cold looking, like he would kill you and feel bad, type of face. But soft as well, his body was perfect for Jisung, his eyes were soft, Jisung loved him already, and he was tall then Jisung, like a few feet taller than him.. and Jisung loved it! He loved it a little too much..

Again, I am too lazy to write more 😐

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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