Chapter 7: Stuck Inside My Head

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As the silver-haired male walked away from her, she couldn't help but feel her heart speed up a bit. She probably just got a bit overexcited, like... How often do you get to speak with the general when he's not on duty? She remembered him being very stoic and serious while on duty at least. So she was glad her show could help him relax, even if it was just a tad bit.

"I wonder... What's it like being the General Mahamatra? It must be very stressful and tiring, if not strenuous. I mean, patrolling and having to constantly subdue others? I could honestly never... It must be a really scary job. How does Cyno do it? I know based on what Lumine told me that he has a very strong sense of justice and all but... Doesn't he never feel fatigued by it?" The young red-haired pondered within her head. She was purely curious, yes. But she was also even the slightest bit confused. Even now as she thought about it a little more, the General overall was a big mystery.

Nilou shook her head

She shouldn't think like that, it's rude! She was questioning a good guy with good intentions because of her lack of knowledge of him. Oh, how Lesserlord Kusanali would be disappointed in her. But as she thought a bit deeper she had found it interesting because she, herself as seen him fight before. That jackal-like spirit who possesses? No, controls? No, that... Helps him? Well, at least she thought it was a spirit. She wouldn't know though, it was hard to tell saying she only saw him fight once.

Before she knew it herself her mind was pulled into a faraway space deep within her consciousness. Where all she could do was think, it wasn't as bad as a scholar's pondering but it was quite deep. Had she gotten too curious? She couldn't exactly tell herself... All she knew was that she was probably just overthinking it. Yeah! She was overthinking it! Sure, the General Mahamatra was mysterious. But it was probably because she didn't know him too well. But anyway- she still had stuff to do for the day. She couldn't just stand there for the next few hours, so instead she decided to walk around the city for a bit.

As she walked through the city, the crowds were as bustling as ever. Never stopping, even for what seemed to be a second. She noticed the merchants chatting and the customers bargaining for better deals and she couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the sight. After a few minutes she came upon Vihar's stall, she noticed he was playing with the kids so she decided to go up to them

"Vihar! How has your day been?" Nilou asked with a warm and inviting smile plastered on her face. Today she just felt extra energetic and excited. Her performance went splendidly, so how could she not? It was going to be an amazing day she just knew it. Everything had gone according to plan so far. It was just right, almost too right, but she couldn't complain anyway.

"Ah! Well if it isn't the dancer of the hour! It's nice to see you Nilou, I have just been giving the kids some candies while their parents are working. Nonetheless, it's a fulfilling job. You seem to have a big grin on your face. I'm assuming your performance went exceedingly well?" Vihar laughed as he handed some more candy to a few of the kids who seemed to be playing tag.

"It did go well! Also... Dunyarzad told me you two started dating! I'm so happy for you two! You know your crush on her was pretty obvious..." The red-haired girl giggled. She was always kind of confused about how Dunyarzad never noticed. But hey! They were together now, all was good and well. She was sure they'd live a long and happy life together. The way they looked at each other the first time they met was too cute! Nilou, herself could remember it just like yesterday. The way Dunyarzad walked into the Grand Bazaar one afternoon a few months back. How their eyes locked as Vihar delivered some things to Zubyar Theater, it was truly love at first sight!


"If only I had the time to find someone who would look at me like that," Nilou commented blissfully, it was half the truth. There was a part of her that really wanted to get into a relationship with someone sweet and kind. But right now she had to focus on her performances in the Grand Bazaar! Not long ago did the threats from the Akademiya stopped, so she had to make the most of it! She had to seize the opportunity while she had it, who knows how long it might last. But having Lesserlord Kusanali in charge now was a big relief...

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