Not what i signed up for! jakehoon (M)

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(Photography major sim Jake takes an offer from heeseung to be a camera Pd for a porn shoot, he ends up with more than experience with a camera when the lead actress hurts herself and he takes her place instead.)

Jake was sipping on his iced coffee. The cafe he was in was cozy and a bit busy but none the less it was nice. He was waiting on meeting heeseung. He's in the grade above him and is taking the same major. Photography. They recently had a assignment in which they had to write about a time they got to experience being a camera pd. Jakes luck he hasn't ever been offered the opportunity. He had just switched from physics to photography last semester. Heeseung Jakes beloved hyung had said he had a job opportunity for him. Hence why he's waiting on the the older.

He was just about to message the other about being late when the door jingled indicating someone had came in. He flinched in surprise when heeseung flung himself out of breath in the spare chair in front of him.

"S-sorry I'm late stupid fucking professor held me back" Jake snorted watching as the older panted to catch his breath. He had a beanie placed messily on his head with his typical oversized jumper and joggers.

"It's fine honestly I'm not busy" heeseung sent Jake a grateful smile pulling out his phone.

"I ordered your drink hyung" heeseung looked up wide eyes before melting over the table and grabbing Jakes hands.

"Your an angel honestly" Jake flushed shaking the sweaty hands of him.

"Ew off" ignoring the offensive comment heeseung continued scrolling through his phone while drinking on his ice cold drink like his life depended on it.

"AH ha!" Flinching in his seat he squirmed when heeseung shoved his phone in his face. Blinking his eyes away Jake squinted making out the words. He didn't get long to read before the phone was ripped away from him.


"It's tomorrow at 8pm and all you have to do is show up state your name and they'll let you know what your doing" Jake squinted. There's something the elder wasn't telling him.

"Why so late hyung?" Ignoring the younger heeseung started explaining the location.

"Hyung what will I be filming" chuckling nervously heeseung avoided eye contact looking at the table in front of him.

"It'll be good for your grades an-"

"Hyung." Jakes voice was stern and heeseung huffed throwing his hands up in the air dramatically.

"Ok ok come closer" Jake leaned closer until he could smell heeseung coffee breath.

"It's a porn shoot wi-" Jake widened his eyes shooting backwards in his seat.

"Are you being fucking serious! No." Jake quickly gathered his words stuffing it into his backpack ignoring the others pleads.

"Jake I already said you would do it! And it's tomorrow! I could get fired over this!" Jake froze his heart suddenly filling with guilt. He stopped huffing a sigh of shame he sat back in his seat and he saw heeseungs face sag in relief.

"Fine." Jake grumbled. Heeseung let out a tiny squeak doing a victory dance.

"Ok so I'll send you the location and you can-"


Jake couldn't do this. he hasn't slept or ate. The shame constantly was creeping up his back turning hi neck red every-time he thought about it. He only got told the two actors name and he couldn't even bring himself to search them. He was a socially awkward about to record a porn shoot with park sunghoon and some girl called lee minyoung. Apparently park sunghoon is a big deal. At least according to sunoo and Jungwon. He grimaced thinking back to his group-chat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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