"I'm not angry, I am in pain, and YOU put me here!!" Gov angst my fav <3

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Summary: life gets too much for the poor suit bastard and he snaps at PA

TW for: mention of wanting to do s3lf h4rm, but no actual sh. And talks of alcoholism and possible 4bus3?


    It was around 8pm and Gov had just about had enough. Enough of what? Life. F*cking life. Email after email......document after document......scolding after scolding......paper after paper......coffee after coffee...... sleepless night after sleepless night......he was simply done with it. This was his life every day. God everything was so loud...

    Gov eyed the dagger on the corner of his desk. He remembers his sister, International District of Columbia or just IDC, gifting him the dagger a few years ago, though he couldn't exactly remember why. And he wasn't going to try to. He was way too tired for that. He continues to stare at the dagger for another five minutes, allowing those thoughts to fill his already crowded mind. He didn't exactly want to die right? No...... Just a little bit of blood...nothing much... he started to reach for the intricately designed blade. C'mon... no one will even notice...just a little... He pulls his hand back before it makes contact with the hilt. No. He couldn't. Not after the years of being clean. He can't. But would anyone actually notice if I just took a little blood...? Yes. Yes they would. ...but would they...?

    He was quickly ripped out of his thoughts as he heard a knock on the door. Gov quickly ran a hand through his hair and wiped away the tears that he hadn't even noticed had built up in his eyes. He took a sip of coffee before saying:

    "Come in!" in his voice that was raspy from disuse. He turned back to his work. He heard the faint sound of the door opening. And the sound of it locking. Through the corner of his eye, he could see Pennsylvania. Why him... he didn't feel like talking to his father. If he could even call him that. He never acted like much of a father to be honest. A good father isn't supposed to get drunk and thrown into a blind rage almost every night. A good father wouldn't neglect and ignore his son until he needed him. A good father wouldn't sit calmly knowing that his son was being bombarded with unreasonable amounts of work that was definitely too much for one man to do on his own and then getting yelled at or worse when there's a small mistake or when one little paper amongst several doesn't get turned in. Yeah. Pennsylvania is hardly what Gov would consider a good father. Yet still, he turned his chair towards him and put on his very practiced polite voice:

"Hello Pennsylvania, how may I help you?" he asked, smiling politely. That smile that was for sure not genuine. The one he used when talking to politicians and sh*t.

"C'mon. Ya need to take a break idiot." said the keystone state, his voice filled with...concern??? Well that's new...

"I'm fine." muttered Gov, voice barely above a whisper.

"No yer not. Ya can't go this long without sleepin' or eatin' or drinkin' anythin' besides coffee and energy drinks. It ain't good for ya."

"...since when did you care?"


Gov looked up from his work to weakly glare at his father. "I said, Pennsylvania, since when did you care?"

"What are ya on about?? Yer my kid! O' course I care about you!!"

Welp. That was the last straw.

"What the hell do you mean ya care??? Since when didja ever care about me????" Gov said, raising his venom-filled voice a little as his NE accent started making itself known.

"What??? Gov, you're my son, why the f(speaks PA)k would I not care??? What are you on about????"

Gov laughed a bit in almost a psychopathic way. Pennsylvania backed up slightly as Gov arose from his seat, staring down into his very soul.

"You???? THE Commonwealth of Pennsylvania?? Cares about me??? Oh that's gold." Gov said, towering over his father.

"What the F(SPEAKS PA)K are you talkin' about?! Since when have I ever stopped lovin' you?!" Pennsylvania shouted.

"So the years of you watching me constantly getting bombarded with overwhelming amounts of work was love?? The constant nights of you gettin' drunk every goddamn night and bein' thrown into a blind rage by every little thing was love??? Every single time you sat by and watched as I was brutally scolded and sometimes hit by my handlers was love???? Only ever bein' proud of me when I was workin' my ass off was love????? THAT was love?!?!" Gov shouted. Damn did it feel good to yell.


"WELL?! ANSWER MY GODDAMN QUESTIONS GODDAMNIT!!" Gov shouted again, tears rolling down his face.

"I- I know that you're angry......"

"I'm not angry, I am in pain, and YOU put me here!!" said the younger personification, holding back a choked sob. He glared not daggers, but swords into his father's soul. The Keystone State squirmed a bit uncomfortably at the feeling of his son's gaze. Good.


Gov chokes back another sob, "You! The person who's supposed to love me more than anything..."

Pennsylvania finally backed out of the corner he had backed himself into. "G-Gov I-" he placed a hand on Gov's shoulder.

"Git the HELL OFF OF ME!!" Gov said before delivering a harsh slap to Pennsylvania's face, leaving the older state in shock. After a few seconds, Gov came to the realization of what he just did. 'I'm such an idiot...' he thought to himself as he frantically looked for an exit.

Gov got up and ran towards the door, shoving his father out of the way in the process. He bolted through the Northeast Floor of the statehouse, trying to ignore any confused looks from the NE states that were still awake and out. He ran about halfway before stopping near a window. He knew that right below the window was Louisiana's room. Loui. Loui is safe. Loui is good. Must go to Loui. Gov opened the window and jumped out, ignoring the slight pain that shot through his legs when he landed. As he started to catch his breath, he heard a window open and a few soft voices:

"Sha??? Are ya aight??" Loui...

"What the hell?? Damn Fed I didn't know this was mission impossible!" Florida...



"Shut yer damn mouth Florida! Hon are ya okay??" Texas...

"Eh he'll be fine it ain't that big of a drop." New York. Duh.

"York it's at least a 4 or 5 story drop!" Cali...



Gov never thought he would feel so relieved to hear the voices of his boyfriends. He never thought he would be so relieved to feel strong arms pull him up and in through the window......


KirraWilson0 alaskashigh Dyskorde and EatDirtAndDieTrash69 cuz you like angst :)

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