the meet and greet

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I was on hogsmade station wearing glasses  and leather jacket and blue jeans and a mask so that people won't recognise me,

(Fan of kim taehyung)I got into the train and was searching for a seat and I by to a compartment with to boys and a girl I knocked and opened the door and asked " Mind if I seat here?" I got answer from a boy with dark hair "yes,ofcourse " I came ...

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(Fan of kim taehyung)
I got into the train and was searching for a seat and I by to a compartment with to boys and a girl I knocked and opened the door and asked " Mind if I seat here?" I got answer from a boy with dark hair "yes,ofcourse " I came and sat beside a girl she was beautiful, I removed my mask and kept it in my bag and looked a them they were like shocked And the ginger haired boy said " wait are you augustine Smith right ?" I nodded my head and he again said "I can't believe that we just made friends with the most famous and handsome boy in the whole wizarding world"

I said "by the way what is you guys name?"

Ginger one said"my name is Ron weasly"
And raven said "I am harry potter"
I turned towards the girl and said "what is your name amour"
She kept her book down and said"i am granger,hermonie granger nice to meet you and fan of yours "
I said "really and pleasure is mine"

And like that we talked in the rest of the train journey, and i was with first years in front of the big oak doors and they finally opened they told me to wait there until the first years were over and again the closed the doors,

And after a few minutes the doors again opened but this time my name was booming in the hall while I was walking to the front the Cape was flying behind me and at last I was at front I sat on the stool and there were lot of whishper going here and there I was searching for the three friends of mine and found them cheering for me I gave them a quick smile and they this weird looking and talking hat on my head after a lot of waiting and confusion and complaining at last it told my house its GRIFFINDOR

I went and sat down beside Harry and Ron

And hermonie was sitting beside harry potter and was looking at me with a smile and together after dinner we went to our dorms and slept

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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