↳˳⸙ Chapter 21

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The team reviewed the current information they have about the flower of zigena. While Orla lead the way with Wangnan and Miseng, Goseng and Akraptor were lagging behind as they talk about the flower they need to find.

"AAAHHHH!! What's that?!" The front of the group suddenly screamed, surprising the rest. As they catch up, Goseng echoed out the same exact words.

"Probably a mini test that ranker put." Orla nonchalantly answered, as the only person unfazed by the sight. 'Or something much more sinister..' She let that thought come and go.

"Let's cross."


"How about a lighthouse?"

"I'm not strong enough. I could take you one at a time but it'll take longer..."

Oh. Sometimes the yellow-haired woman forgets how normal they are.

"I could take-"

Before she can finish that sentence, she was cut off by a loud scream from Wangnan and Goseng as an unknown creature zoomed between them.

That creature turned out to be the bearer of the flower they were looking for.

This ensued a chase that both yellowheads initiated. Wangnan was close to taking it when he suddenly slipped up. Orla prioritized his safety in that split second and caught him, exposing her wings as they float through the air. Translucent fairy wings that reflect a shiny glow when exposed to light. This sight had momentarily distracted the team.

That lead for the creature to get ahead.

"Woah!! You have wings, Orla?!" A range of questions and genuine admiration for its beauty were thrown around.

"Shut it!! Get that little flower!!"

Fortunately, the others acted fast and initiated the classic tactic of the use of observer and lighthouse to stop it's movements temporarily. Akraptor went to personally pluck the flower, but it seemed to have hypnotized him. The creature had escaped yet again.

Orla flew through the maze to the other end, with Wangnan on her arms. They've blocked the other side in hopes of stopping it in it's tracks, but it had practically zoomed between the small gaps of their grasp and escaped through a hole.

'Tsk, I should've used shinsu to stop it.' Orla reprimanded herself, she was distracted by her paranoid mind.

"I think Miseng can fit in here.. Are you up for it?" Wangnan asked the youngest of the group. When the other still had doubts, the other yellowhead suggested to accompany the girl.

"Eh? But you won't fit at all, Orla." Goseng asked in a puzzled tone.

"It's something called compress."

The woman demonstrated by creating a puff of smoke, before showing them her repressed form, as she float through the air with her wings.

"Woahh! Your really like a fairy!" "So pretty~" "So tiny..."

"I'll take that as a compliment. Now, let's move." Orla looks at Miseng, who nodded determinedly.

And so, they had embarked on a journey through that hole, in order to pass the test. A few minutes of the little girl crawling through the hole with the fairy-like woman accompanying her, she started a conversation.

"Ms. Orla?"


"Thank you for staying with us. I thought you were a unhappy with the team so I was worried..."

This made her frown. Although she was indeed feeling overwhelmed for being separated from her charge, she felt bad for making the girl overthink.

"Oh I'm sorry about that.. I'm just worried for Viole..." She confessed, pressing a kiss on the girl's forehead before sitting comfortably on her hair.

"Mr. Viole..? But isn't he strong?"

"Well, even if he was stronger than me, I won't stop worrying over him. As his friend, I should at least do that much..."

Although it might be too much for a child to understand, she hopes that she'll also learn from this words alone. And to be kind despite what the future may hold. Like how Orla wanted herself to appear as to others, but more genuinely.

The woman had already been tainted, she couldn't get her Innocence back.

There was a ping from their pockets but before they could check what it was about, the one they've been looking for was finally right in front of them.

Orla didn't waste any time and stopped it in its tracks.

"Be careful when you hold unto it, it's too bad we don't have a lighthouse to store this little guy."

She adviced her fellow scout, as the creature went to sleep in her command. When she finally had time to check her pocket, the zigena had already flipped.

"Let's hasten our pace, Viole is in danger."

It was fortunate that the other end of this hole leads straight to his location. The tunnel had widened enough for Miseng to stand and run, the sleeping baby zigena in her arms as followed through.

The moment they reached the edge, the girl trippped. Right into the heat of the battle.

"NOOO! MISENG!" Orla shouted in a panic, growing back into her original size and engulfing the girl in a hug as she turned her back to the exchange of devastating attacks.

Despite the fact the her wings might end up damaged by the end of this. She won't let this girl feel any pain.

There was a bright flash of light before she lost her consciousness.

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