Sandy's cloud

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"Yo, Sandy, what's up?" Jack called out, landing on Sandy's cloud. Sandy smiled and waved at Jack, and patted the spot next to him. Jack looked around and saw lots of plants on Sandy's cloud, everything from tulips to. . . "Why do you have catnip on your cloud?"

Catnip? Sandy signed. "Yeah. That stuff." Jack pointed to the flowering plant, not daring to touch it. He didn't know if direct contact would make the effects come sooner or not, but he didn't want to risk it. He looked around. "Damn it! Looks like this is the safest area to stay at for now. I'm probably going to leave in a few hours though. It's not your fault though! Just. . . don't tell Aster about this?" Jack asked, yawning and lying down, stretched out and looking content.

Sandy nodded, understanding what was happening, Getting picked by the Man in the Moon himself to become a spirit through a self-sacrifice? Yes it was for a child, but people die for children on a daily basis. No, it had to happen for a reason, and Sandy had only seen two creatures react to catnip like this. Jack obviously wasn't a cat, and the only other species he could think of was a Felidae Pooka. As Jack slowly transformed back into his true form, Sandy encased the both of them in dreamsand, leaving a small window to view the world with.

"Thanks S'ndy." Jack slurred, the effects for the catnip and the dreamsand combined making him fall asleep quickly. Sandy smiled at the sleeping Pooka and promptly got rid of all the catnip, keeping only a small sample thoroughly encased in dreamsand for confirmation that what he was picking for a cloud wasn't catnip.

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