Chapter 1: New arrival

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You look out the window of the fast moving train you're on. Your parents thought it would be the greatest idea for you to go gravity falls for the summer and have a life. You couldn't imagine anything worse, not only did you have to leave your friends for the summer but gravity falls didn't sound like the funnest of places. Apparently it only had one town. The only good part was you were going to be staying with your great aunt Sherri, who was one of the nicest ladies you knew.

The sun was just starting to set for the night. You shielded your [e/c] eyes from the blinding sun. The conductor announced that we'd be arriving in about 45 minutes. You took your phone out of your pocket and put your ear buds in, before clicking on [your favorite song]. You leaned back a little, your head resting on the seat. It wasn't long before you drifted off into sleep.

You woke to the noise of the workers on the train shaking you lightly.
"Ma'am, ma'am it's time you get of the train. Please ma'am wake up." The lady said politely.
You groaned quietly and got up, the lady handed you your bags.
"Thank you..." You said as you took your bags.
"Have a great stay in Gravity Falls!" She said as she waved with what looked like a forced smile. You stepped off the train and into the station. 'Now just to find aunt Sherri's house...' You thought. You grabbed a map of gravity falls from one of the train station flier rack things. You walked out of the station and started looking for your aunt's house.

After a bit of searching you came upon what appeared to be your aunts house. You knocked on it a little hesitantly. You were a bit nervous since you hadn't seen her in 3 years. Sure enough your Aunt Sherri opened the door, when she saw you a huge smile broke out across her face and she hugged you, making you drop one of your bags.
"Oh [Y/N], it's so good to see you again! I missed you!" She said happily.
"I uh, missed you too." You said quickly in reply as you tried to wriggle out of her grasp. Hugging wasn't really your thing.
"Come in, come in! I'll show you too your room." She said with a smile and walked inside. You picked up your bags and quickly followed.

She brought you up a short stair case. At the end was a small hall with 4 doors. She went to the second door and opened it up.
"Here's the guest room! Sorry if it's a bit dusty," She said as she coughed. "It hasn't been used in a while... Well I'll leave you to unpack. Make yourself at home!" And with that she walked out, closing the door on her way. You heard her walk down the steps as they made that awful creaking noise. All you could think about when you were on them, was them breaking and you falling straight through. They were really old. You walked over to the only bed in the room and set your stuff down. Everything was indeed dusty, but you supposed you could live with it.

You started unpacking everything, putting your [f/c] sheets and blankets on the bed. You turned on the nice little lamps on the wooden bed stand. You put away all your clothes in the mahogany dresser. You then put the rest of your stuff away and sat on the bed. You looked around the room, just to get a feel for the place. It could be nice if just dusted and cleaned a little. The walls were a lilac purple almost gray color. There was one big stained glass window at the back of the room with baby blue curtains drapped over it. Then the few pieces of furniture.

Though something on the floor is what caught your eyes. The corner of what looked like a very old book poked out from under the bed. You gasped slightly and grabbed it. It was a dark navy blue color, with black where the blue was ripped off. You were unbelievably curious about it, as you loved to read. But the thing that sparked your curiously most was the small golden lock around the book. Like it was some kind of diary. The key hole on the lock was strangely triangle shaped. You couldn't imagine what was inside, and every part of you wanted to open it. You glanced out the window, it was dark, the moon casting an eerie glow on the woods just outside the window. You decided you'd go searching for the key tomorrow, or at least someone who might know about it. You slid the book back under the bed, got your pjs on and went to bed yourself.

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