Chapter 5

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Kaede and her brother both had blood manipulation so why were we treated so differently?

Kaede remember vividly her screaming and crying, begging her father that she did not want to practice her technique. It hurt a lot... Using your own nails and teeth to make a wound while still fearing being hurt.

Her fathers eyes would turn cold when ever she did but would not care as he spouted curses at her. If she were to look at her mother for help, the lady would simply give her a frown. "Why are you being like this difficult ,Kaede? It's for the clan..."

But mother...It hurt a lot.

Her brother was treated so much better, if he were to practice his technique, Father would allow a small needle to be used and even then their mother, when her brother's training was done would coo and hold him. "Touya, it must have hurt..."

That's when Kaede realized the difference. Her brother was chosen to be the heir while she was not.

Her brother was chosen to be loved while she was not.

Her brother was chosen as someone who they have to take care of when he was hurt... but she was not.

Being chosen meant receiving better treatment, receiving smiles and praises, receiving love...

They siblings were close at first, Kaede vaguely remembered being doted on by her brother but soon after their rift started getting bigger. Her brother was busy to be raised as the clan head while Kaede worked hard simply for a glance from her parents.

Kaede was unloved because she wasn't chosen.

Kaede stirs , the first thing she senses was the smell of medicine and she then feels her eyes open to an yellow glow of light. She figures that she was in the clinic and it was evening. "But how long though?" She thinks out loud.

"It's the same day."

The voice from one of the corner of the room takes her attention as her eyes fall towards a person sitting on one of the two seats in the room. "Gojo-sensei."

Her teacher smiles as he then stands up, taking a steps as he proceeds his way towards her. "You did good,Kaede."

Kaede smiles to herself as all the flashbacks makes its way to her mind, giving her a reminder. "It was hardly a success. If my clan were to hear about this..."

"But you won." Gojo who usually always had a cheerful chirpy voice was calm today. "Not only did you defeat a grade one cursed spirit, you also made sure Orimoto Rika wasn't manifested."

She felt Gojo place his hand on her head as gave it a light pat. "You did good."

Kaede feels a gush of happiness in which she warmed her from her core as she fought back a smile making its way but suddenly her teachers words struck her. "Grade one cursed spirit? I thought I was assigned to a grade two?"

"There was a mishap from the higher-ups."

Kaede felt herself stop breathing for a second as her hands tightened and gripped hard to her blanket. Gojo continued, his voice was much colder. "Most probably someone from the Kamo Clan. I looked into it but one of the higher ups were bribed to make this mission seem easier to what it actually was."

"The cursed spirit had actually killed a dozen of people and injured seven more, even a sorcerer was killed." Gojo sighs. "But it was all covered up since they wanted it assigned to you."

Kaede stills as the information almost makes her almost hurl, goosebumps overcome her as she thinks of what if's .

She lets out a deep breath as she puts on a smile and turns to Gojo, making her fingers into a peace sign. "And I still won! Eat that Kamo Clan."

Always The Spare [ Okkotsu Yuta ]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن