Story 1

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Today was a beautiful morning as the sun shined bright with cherry blossom trees and people walking on the busy street.
Some are going to work, some are going to stores, and some are going to school. We see a group of students going to a specific school, Itan Private High. This school is an elite school and well known.

Here we see a student walking to this said school. This student is a beauty. She has glossy black/purple hair, a slender body, beautiful face with almond shape eyes. This makes the students stop to look at this said beauty. They can't help but blush in awe after seeing the beauty. Some are crying for thanking God for bringing this beauty to their school.

As we reach school, there is a boy with H/C, a decent body, and E/C. However, he has a little secret. He is deaf. Therefore, he is wearing hearing aids. He always wished to talked to people and make friends, but he can't since he has trouble speaking and can only communicate in sign language. His dream for high school is to be able to speak rather than rely on sign language. It may be hard, he has confidence he can do it.

As the boy walks to the school lockers, he is putting on his school shoes. While putting on his shoes, he hears a classmate say, "Hey, your locker is close to mines, that means we are in the same classroom." The boy looks to the classmate who said it. It was a boy with average looks and average height. Everything about him was average.

Since the classmate was talking to the boy, he realized he had to say something. The boy gathered some confidence and ..... silence filled the room. Feeling embarrassed, the boy got up and immediately run to his classroom. This makes the classmate confuse about him running away. He looks to his locker and sees his name, Y/N L/N.

As the classmate was lost in his trance. The beauty came to the lockers and started putting on her shoes. The classmate believes he should do the same thing he said to her. So he did. Only this time, the beauty looked at him and stared him with a menacing face. This makes the poor classmate tremble in fear believing he did something wrong to her. The girl did the same thing as the boy where she speed-walked to her class. The classmate looks at the locker to see her name, Komi Shuoko.

The classmate recalls the both of them ignoring his calling and running/walking past me. He believes they have a reason for them to do that. Maybe because they were scared to speak. Oh well, all he knows is to go to his class to start the new school life.

To be continued

I'm sorry for the late chapter, I want to write chapters based on the manga, but since I want to get to the most important parts. I may rush through it. Let me know if you are fine with it or want me to go in little detail for the small chapters.

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