"Gimme a sec," Kakashi said, holding his hands in front of himself in the tiger seal, then walked off to the nearest tree and began walking up it with his crutches. I watched in both confusion and amusement as he effortlessly ascended the trunk.

"How funny," I uttered.

"He's climbing..." Naruto trailed off.

"...perpendicular to the tree and with his feet," Sakura finished Naruto's sentence.

Kakashi now stood upside down on the branch, and I muttered, "I hope he falls down."

"Misaki," Kakashi said, causing me to roll my eyes before he continued, "So, see, kind of like this. Focus the Chakra on the bottoms of your feet and make them stick to the tree trunk. If you use Chakra well, you can do things like this."

"Wait a minute! How does something like that make you strong?" Sakura demanded, her confusion evident.

Kakashi replied, "So, this is the main point. The aim of this training is to accumulate the required amount of combined Chakra to the required spot. This is surprisingly difficult even for an expert Ninja. The amount of Chakra used for tree climbing is very subtle, and the bottoms of the feet are the most difficult place to gather Chakra. Anyway! In other words, if you master that control, it's possible to master any Jutsu. In theory, that is! The second aim is to maintain that combined Chakra. Ninjas combine the most Chakra during battle. Under such situations, the control and maintenance of Chakra become most difficult. So anyways, nothing's really gonna happen with me saying this and that. You'll need to learn it with your bodies."

Kakashi threw four kunai down in front of each of us, and the four of us each grabbed one of the weapons. "Use that Kunai to put a mark at the spot where you can climb up to under your own strength now. Next, make an effort to put a mark further on it. You aren't good enough to walk up from the start, so run and use your momentum to get used to it, got it?!"

"This training is nothing! Hah, it's too easy for me! After all, I'm the man who's grown the most!" Naruto exclaimed, pointing towards Kakashi.

Kakashi sighed, "Enough with the talk... Now get to it. Try climbing any tree."

Sakura and I exchanged a knowing look, silently competing to reach the top first. A smirk crept onto our faces as we focused on gathering Chakra to the bases of our feet. Within moments, all four of us dashed toward different trees in the four cardinal directions.

As I ascended the tree effortlessly, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. However, my triumph was short-lived as I noticed Sakura reaching the top at the same time as me.

Meanwhile, Naruto stumbled and fell to the ground due to a lack of Chakra control, while Sasuke returned to the base after using too much.

"This is pretty easy!" Sakura exclaimed triumphantly, drawing the attention of Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi.

"What?! Sakura!" Naruto shouted in shock.

"I think I beat you, Sakura!" I announced proudly, eliciting disbelief from the others.

"You too, Misaki?!" Naruto exclaimed incredulously.

"Sure, sure!" Sakura replied with a grin.

Kakashi observed, "Looks like Misaki and Sakura have the best Chakra control."

"Wow! Way to go, Misaki and Sakura! Just what you'd expect from Sakura, the girl I've got my eyes on!" Naruto exclaimed, his words hitting me like a sudden wave of discomfort.

An uneasy feeling settled in the pit of my stomach, and I couldn't shake off the nagging sensation. I swallowed hard, trying to dispel the lump forming in my throat, but it stubbornly persisted. With a quick blink, I tried to regain my composure, but the unease lingered.

As Naruto's words sank in, I felt my fingertips unconsciously digging into the wood of the tree, seeking some kind of anchor amidst the swirling emotions inside me. Kakashi's eyes met mine, and for a fleeting moment, I felt exposed under his gaze. Quickly averting my eyes, I turned my attention back to the task at hand, silently hoping that the day would end soon.

As Naruto's voice echoed from below, I glanced down to see him panting, his eyes filled with a mix of exhaustion and confusion. He wasn't the only one curious about my prolonged stay at the top of the tree.

"I've had enough for today," I replied calmly, my voice carrying down to him. "I think I've pushed myself far enough."

Sakura and Sasuke had also paused in their training, their gazes shifting upward to where I sat perched on the branch. Sakura's expression softened with concern, while Sasuke's remained impassive, his thoughts hidden behind a stoic facade.

Kakashi, leaning against another tree nearby, observed our interaction with a thoughtful expression, his single visible eye glinting with curiosity.

"I'm just tired!" I lied not even looking down at him. I let a few seconds pass when I saw him walk away and I let a sigh leave my mouth. Why can't this feeling of unease just go away?

As Naruto approached Sakura, their hushed conversation piqued my curiosity, but I remained rooted to my spot, unwilling to intrude on their interaction. The unease within me, however, only intensified, gnawing at my insides like an insistent ache.

I shifted my weight on the branch, feeling the rough bark beneath my fingertips as I gazed out into the distance, my mind swirling with conflicting thoughts and emotions. Why couldn't I shake this feeling? Why did Naruto's casual remark about Sakura affect me so deeply?

The whispering between Naruto and Sakura continued, their voices too low for me to discern the words. Yet, each murmur felt like a jab to my already unsettled state of mind, fueling the growing sense of unease within me.

I closed my eyes briefly, attempting to steady my breathing and calm the tumultuous storm of emotions raging within me. But even in the quiet of my mind, the unease persisted, a constant reminder of the inner turmoil I struggled to contain.

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(a/n) ── not me writing this chapter in 30 minutes 🧍‍♀️

sorry for not updating in legit months lol, ive been busy at tafe, im doing three different certificates 😭why an i torturing myself like this

Im letting u guys know in advance that updates next year will probably be scarce as I'm studying to become a nurse next year and that will take up quite a bit of my time. 

im currently writing another fic, its a yandere!villain x reader x yandere!hero, i wont publish it until i have 10 chapters in advance for it so u can get weekly updates.

i hope to make another chapter for this fic tmr 

(❀) ── wc; 1.6k+

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