6 - And The Winner Is...

Start from the beginning

"The council is unanimous. We're closing the arena." Tenzin informs

"No! You can't!" Bolin and Mako disagree

"I-I don't understand. I thought you, of all people, would take a stand against Amon" I try to bring Tarrlok to my side

"While I am still committed to bringing that lunatic to justice, I will not put innocent lives at stake just so you and your friends can play a game" he says sternly

"Pro-bending might only be a game to you, but think of what it means to the city!" Mako steps in. "Right now the arena is the one place where benders and nonbenders gather together ... in-in peace! To watch benders ..." he hesitates

"Beat each other up! In peace!" Bolin finished for him. "It's an inspiration to everyone!"

"I appreciate your naive idealism, but you're ignoring the reality of the situation" Tarrlok disagrees again

"The reality is if you close the arena, you let Amon win!" I snap annoyed

"Korra is right," Mira comes to my side, after being real quite through the conversation. "if you give in into Amon's demands, you'll be proving how much power he has, you might as well be giving him the city. Today is the arena, then tomorrow he's going to demand something else. There has to be a way to fight him and not put innocent people in danger"

"Yes, exactly what they said! Yes!" Bolin shouts excitedly but it was clear we didn't convince them

"I'm sorry, but our decision has been made. This meeting is adjourned" Tarrlok informs and picks up the gavel and was about to hit the wood with it when a metal cable crashed against it. Mira immediately took my shoulders and slightly put me down, reaching to her side where she had a dagger hidden

But as she turns to see who the attacker was, sighs in relief. I look behind us and saw Beifong walking our way, her metal cable retracting

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with the Avatar" she says loudly as she walks to us. Wait what!?

"You do" Tarrlok asks confused

"Yeah, you do?" I was unsure that she said that correctly

"Well, more like I agree with Mira, who also happens to agree with you" she says as she stands next to us. Of course

"I expected this kind of cut-and-run response from Tenzin," she addresses the council. "But the rest of you? Come on, show a little more backbone. It's time that the benders of this city displayed some strength and unity against these Equalists"

"We must prevent the conflict between benders and non-benders from escalating into all-out war!" Tenzin contradicts."The council is not changing its position, Lin"

"Now just a moment, Tenzin. Let us hear what our esteemed Chief of Police has in mind" Tarrlok smiles softly. Tenzin huffs indignantly

"If you keep the arena open, my metalbenders and I will provide extra security during the championship match. There's no better force to deal with the chi-blockers. Our armor is impervious to their attacks" Beifong informs strongly and sure

"Are you saying that you will personally take responsibility for the safety of the spectators in the arena?" Tarrlok asks with a little amusement and I saw Mira frown suspiciously and worry at that

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