Bridlewood Fountain of youth mystery

Start bij het begin

They read the sign and it said,

"The fountain of youth
Founded by Poncé de León
In 1513, in Florida, on Easter Sunday.
Warning: Do not drink this, it will turn you into a baby."

"The fountain of youth? I never heard that in Bridlewood before." Said Sunny Starscout.

"Hold on. Remember what happened at the glitter stall at the Night Market?" Asked Izzy Moonbow.

"Oh, of course! It all makes perfect sense! Zipp accidentally wore her feathered hat and the feather tickled my nose and it made me sneeze and the glitter spreaded around us and it turned us into a bunch of little babies." Explained Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer before giving an angry glare at Zipp Storm.

"Sorry about that, Sheriff." Apologized Zipp Storm.

"That's ok, Zipp. But don't do that again." Said Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer.

"You're right, Hitch! It's just like the magic glitter we found at the glitter stall. That's what happened to us at the Night Market." Said Misty Brightdawn.

"That's the same magic glitter I created while controlling my Alicorn form after I saved the kids at the beach." Added Sunny Starscout.

"And I used it at Mane Melody when I added it for the face masks." Added Pipp Petals.

"And it happened to Cloudpuff, too!" Finished Zipp Storm.

"Don't you guys remember what happened in Tell Your Tale Episodes 14, 15, and 63?" Asked Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer. They started to remember what happened previously.

The first one shows the time of when Sunny Starscout controlled her Alicorn form at the beach.

The next one shows the time of when Sunny Starscout, Izzy Moonbow, Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer, and Cloudpuff had turned into babies at Mane Melody.

The final one shows the time of when they had turned into babies and made a lot of messes at the Night Market.

And then, the scene goes back to the present.

"Yeah. Now, we remember." Said Izzy Moonbow.

Sunny Starscout realized something. "Wait a minute." Said Sunny Starscout as she pulled out a journal from her bag and she flipped through the pages and she finally found the page that she was looking for.

"Here it is." Said Sunny Starscout, as she read through the history, and the flashback begins.

(Start at 0:21 and stop at 1:17)

"It says here that Florida is founded by Poncé de León who ended his long tedious search for the fountain of youth in 1513, on Easter Sunday. And when he drank it, it turned him into a little baby." Explained Sunny Starscout.

And the flashback ends.

"And it has been here ever since." Said Sunny Starscout, as she closed the journal.

"Guys, let's get this in the Crystal Brighthouse and analyze it in my secret laboratory." Said Zipp Storm.

They got the fountain of youth in a glass container which they scooped it up and they went to the Crystal Brighthouse and Zipp Storm analyzed the fountain of youth.

What they didn't know is that Alphabittle Blossomforth setup the closed sign. He was shocked.

"This can't be good." Said Alphabittle Blossomforth with worry.



MLP MYM Chapter 7 Episode 2 Mane 6's fountain of youth discovery Part 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu