Hold On Tight

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A confused frown crossed Satan's face as he stepped through the front door and entered the House of Lamentation to find his brothers talking in awed voices as they huddled around MC.

"What's going on?" Satan asked curiously as he slowly closed the door behind himself.

"Check it out, Satan!" Asmo said excitedly and beckoned at the fourth born to come closer. "Solomon cast a spell on this broomstick for MC!"

"Solomon cast a spell on a broomstick?" Satan's confusion deepened. "Why?"

"To make it fly, of course!"

"I wonder if Solomon would cast that spell on a few more broomsticks," Mammon mused to himself in a murmured voice, "I could make some serious Grimm if I sold a few."

"Sorry Mammon," MC gave the Avatar of Greed a small, apologetic smile, "Solomon already said that he wouldn't do it if you asked him to."

"Seriously?" Mammon gave an irritable huff and poured. "Why not?"

"I think the answer to that is quite obvious," Lucifer shook his head with a weary sigh.

"The spell isn't permanent anyway," Beel pointed out to Mammon, "it will wear off in a few days."

"Yeah, but I coulda sold a bunch of 'em before then," Mammon said with a sulky sigh.

"And that's the exact reason why Solomon won't make them for you," Levi rolled his eyes irritably, "you're just gonna scam everyone."

"Jeez, ya say that like it's a bad thing."

"Because it is a bad thing, moron!"

"MC's about to try it out," Belphie told Satan, ignoring the bickering that had started between Mammon and Levi, "wanna come with us?"

Without waiting for a response, the brothers eagerly ushered MC out of the front door into the garden, leaving Lucifer and Satan to slowly trail behind them.

Satan watched from the stone steps of the House of Lamentation as MC mounted the broomstick and kicked off from the ground before they shot off through the sky while the brothers watched on with keen interest.

An uneasy feeling came over Satan and his brow furrowed with worry as he watched MC fly higher and higher into the darkened sky.

"You seem tense."

He gave a startled jump and pulled his eyes away from MC's figure to find Lucifer standing beside him, regarding him with a surveying stare.

Satan decided to ignore Lucifer's comment and let out an irritable snort instead as he turned his attention back towards MC, who had now descended low enough to let Asmo climb into the back of the broomstick before he wrapped his arms around MC's waist.

"It is some impressive magic, don't you think?" Lucifer mused aloud as though to fill the silence between himself and Satan, his eyes followed MC and Asmo as they soared around the House of Lamentation with delighted laughs.

The pair watched from the steps as each brother took turns to fly on the broomstick with MC.

"Aren't they worried about falling off?" Satan asked in a murmured voice and shuddered as Mammon carelessly let go of MC's waist to avidly point towards something far below them.

"I can't say that I'm comfortable with the idea of our human exchange student flying around on an enchanted broomstick either," Lucifer frowned, "but I'm ready to act in the event of anything going wrong."

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