🌆 | The Roulette of OP Sword in Minecraft!

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I'm kinda pissed off, just a little, let me explain

JJ always pulls a stupid ass suprised Pikachu face whenever Mikey tries to cheat. Well, let's think for a minute about WHY he's cheating: On his own, he stands literally NO CHANCE against JJ, so he basically HAS to try and cheat to be able to even slightly match up to him. Maybe if JJ wasn't so self-centered and egotistical about winning every challenge ever this wouldn't be happening??

This is something Mikey has been starting to do more often recently. He has lost every single direct challenge they've done against each other for years, and it seems now that he's finally had enough. He's willing to cheat so he can finally win for once, and I 100% support that. Maybe that would teach JJ's stuck up ass that he's been going about these "challenges" all wrong for literal years and that he needs to fucking step down for once in his life.

When JJ decided to "also cheat" that was what pissed me off just a little bit just a fraction of a bit. If you see your friend who always loses and never gets the privilege of having any true advantages trying to cheat, perhaps upping your game as well and purposely making sure you still have the upper hand and guaranteed victory is a little bit, I don't know, too cunning? Has it occured to you that he's cheating because he's over you winning every single time? Maybe just let him win for once and this wouldn't be an issue?

I wanted to cuss JJ out so hard but my little sister was right over my shoulder so I didn't. But I did say "I kind of just slightly wish that JJ would die just a little, like kinda permanently, and Banana Kid could be Mikey's new best friend" yeah I was mad

This is why I gave JJ intense mental health issues in Paranoia on purpose

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