Chapter 1: Visiting Hour

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Only a few weeks ago, the Kingdom of Rosas had been ruled by King Magnifico, a sorcerer king who had the power to grant wishes.

But secretly, beneath his charming façade, King Magnifico was greedy, selfish, and vain. He hoarded certain wishes in his tower, so they would never be granted. And no one in the kingdom realized that.

But all of that changed when an ordinary girl named Asha made a wish on a star, and accidentally brought the star into her kingdom.

Through all trials, tricks, and tribulations, Asha, and the star, with the help of her pet goat Valentino, her friends, and the king's wife, Queen Amaya, released the wishes, and defeated the evil King Magnifico, sealing him up in a mirrored crystal, and locking him away in the dungeon.

Queen Amaya now ruled Rosas, where the citizens were free to pursue their wishes in their own way. And Asha became a fairy godmother, to help people with their wishes.

All traces of the evil king's rule over Rosas seemed to be a distant memory, and Rosas had never seemed better.



The voiced stirred Gregor, the dungeon guard, from his slumber.

"Oh, sorry, your Highness." murmured Gregor sleepily, pulling at his goatee, and looking at Queen Amaya, the current ruler of Rosas.

"This is the 15th time this month you've been sleeping on the job." Amaya stated, a firm expression on her face.

"Yeah, sorry, your Highness." Gregor said. "Me and the boys have been finding it hard to keep on guard since your husband was put down here. He's been screaming and crying and ranting and cursing like anything since he was put in. Made us all tired, so we find it hard to stay awake these days."

"Hmmm." Amaya said. "I'm gonna make sure to have a word with him about this."

"Are you sure, your Highness?" Gregor asked. "You do remember what he did to Rosas."

"Yes, yes I do." Amaya said. "I will speak to him to calm him down, and maybe it'll get him to settle down and not bother you with his noise anymore."

Gregor sighed. "Very well." he opened the door to the dungeon, and let Amaya in.

Amaya followed Gregor through the dungeon. The sounds of dripping water echoed through the cell. At one point, she had to lift up her dress to stop it getting wet from a puddle of what she hoped was stale water.

Soon, Gregor led her to a door at the back of the dungeon, which led to a cell. Correction - the former king's cell. He opened the door. "You've got 10 minutes." Gregor told her.

The queen nodded. She walked into the cell, turned to Gregor, and said, "This will be a private conversation."

"Understood." Gregor said, shutting the door.

Amaya stared around the cell.

There, on the wall farthest the door, was the mirror crystal of King Magnifico's old staff, hung on the wall.

She went up to the mirror, and looked at it.

It gave an ominous pale green glow, a glow that reminded her of the forbidden magic her ex-husband had used.

The same magic that had turned against him and trapped him in his mirrored prison.

The silence was immense in the dungeon. Then, a noise broke the eerie silence.

"Amaya... Mi reina?" a muffled, yet mournful tone of voice answered, "Is that you?"

"Yes, yes it is, mi rey." Amaya said, staring at the mirror.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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