[ 028 ] - A Gay Banshee.

Start from the beginning

So instead Leon looked up at Joyce as Leon was stood behind Will and out of the boys vision as he mouthed a quick "I'll tell you later" and Joyce sighed as she out the drawing back down.

Jonathan then walked in the room after he had thrown on a black jean jacket and grabbed Will so Jonathan could use his camera to take some pictures of Will in his costume while Leon was explained his own episode of the shadow creature and even included that he could feel its presence inside the upside down gate before they joint Jonathan and Will in the living-room.

"I'll talk to Hopper about it, okay?" Joyce says to Leon who scoffs. "I know you hate him but he's involved in all this too" Joyce tells him as she patted Leon's bare shoulder which made the boy flinch.

"I know and I don't hate him.. I mean he helped you get Will back.. maybe I'm just salty cause the dude left me in handcuffs for like a day and it got in the way with some of what happened before I blacked out and had to fight my consciousness for ten mouths and then the dude put me on bed rest for another month" Leon complains as Joyce chuckles.

"Well you're free as a bird at the moment" Joyce attempts to console him and Leon smiles at her. "Thanks for helping me.. I'm still sorry you had to see.. that.. back then" Leon says as he fiddles with the promise ring that was placed in his left middle finger again.

"Let me grab you one of Jon's tops and then I'll help you tie that bracelet over your tattoo before you get off to school" Joyce says as she pats Leon's shoulder gently before walking away.


"I feel like you're avoiding me, William" Leon says as he walks over to Billy who's stood in the parking lot after school leaning against his blue Camaro in his Jean jackets, blue jeans, white tank top and steel toe boots while he smokes a cigarette.

"Not avoiding you, Princess.. Just had a lot to think about" Billy says as he takes a drag and looks over Leon's outfit. "Didn't take you for a purple top guy" Billy says amused as Leon rolls his eyes.

"It's Jonathan's, Joyce thought I'd look better with some 'color in my life' or something like that... and sorry about yesterday" Leon says as he hops onto the front of Billy's car to sit on it that Billy just rolls his eyes at.

"It's fine, Lonnie Boy. It just made me think things over.. didn't think there'd be anything worse than Neil.. but, here we are" Billy states with a sigh as he takes another long drag before breathing it out and looking towards the middle school for Max.

"Felt that way last year, gets old real fast round here.. wait till you meet Tommy, that's a whole different issue you'll be apart of" Leon states and lights his own cigarette with Amelie's lighter and taking his own long drag.

"That's the kid with freckles right? That Tina chick said something about him being an asshole to you and that he might be the one who was behind the newspaper, whatever that meant" Billy says and Leon lets out an annoyed groan.

"Oh fucking of course. That makes so much sense, I bet him and Carol were behind it" Leon says and pulls out the newspaper clip that for some reason he kept in his pocket at all times and handed it over for Billy to read.

"So you kill an arsehole and people here take his side? That makes so much sense. This town is such bullshit" Billy said and scoffed at the dumb people that lived here.

"Yeah well I mean it's sort of true, I mean I did kill Lonnie but the dude was half dead from one of those things so I had no choice.. not my fault I took it too far because he deserved it" Leon said as he flicked his finished cigarette away and looked back at Billy.

"Wish I could do that to Neil honestly, might need to hire your expert killer skills some time, Princess" Billy said with a smirk and then he spots Max skating over to them.

"Hey Maxi-Moo!" Leon said with a smile as Max ran and pulled him into a hug. "You're an asshole, you know that? you leave us for three years and the only thing you say to me is 'hey'? Max says sternly as she repeatedly hits Leon's arms.

"Well.. I could always tell you something weird about me, or two things?.. if you want" Leon smirks as he hops off the car and stands between Billy and Max.

"Tell me and I might not break this board on your head." Max says as she puts one hand on her hip and looks up at Leon like he won't meet her expectations.

"I'm a psychic.. though most people that know are calling me a Banshee so that's what it is but whatever, I got powers now and no I'm not high so don't look at me like that" Leon says and Max gives him a look before she looks over at Billy for confirmation.

"There's a lot of shit in this town that I don't understand but Lonnie Boy here is being honest, had an episode yesterday and blacked out completely, kept drawing some vision he saw, it was pretty weird" Billy tells her and she sighs.

"Fine, I'll believe you for now and only because you've managed to get Billy to agree to it which is weird in itself. And I want to actually see your powers work in person" Max says as she shoves her skateboard in the boot of Billy's car.

"Yeah don't worry about that, Maxie.. there'll be plenty of chances" Leon smiles as he ruffles her hair causing the ginger girl to roll her eyes and laugh.

"So what's the other thing?" Max asks looking between Billy and Leon with a raised eyebrow. "I'm..gay" Leon says slowly as Billy smirks.

"So who's your boyfriend? Billy? I saw you with that Steve guy too" Max says with a smile. "Neither.. I don't have one right now, Maxi. Had a shit breakup last year though and the dudes still an asshole" Leon shrugs before max gives him a hug.

"I'm so proud of you. I can't imagine how hard it must have been to tell us, we both support you, Lee" Max smiles up at him as she lets the hug go and Billy pats his shoulder.

"Now I know why you stare at my ass all the time, Princess" Billy says and then flicks his tongue out to run it over his bottom lip making Leon look at it on instinct before looking up at Billy's eyes.

"Shut up, you cocky little shirt" Leon says and pushes Billy playfully as Billy and Max laugh at how flustered Leon got.

"Am I dropping you at Joyce's or Harrington's or somewhere else?" Billy asked him and Leon had to think for a second. "Steve's should be fine, I'll give you directions because I need to grab some stuff before going back to Joyce's if Steve's busy."

"Alright, but you're in the back, Lonnie Boy" Billy says and opens the door for Leon to get in. "Fine by me, William" Leon smirks and gets in the back of the Camaro and Max gets in the passenger seat with Billy in the drivers seat before Billy pulls out of the school fast and darts down the various roads of their journey.

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