𝟬𝟳. 𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆'𝘀 𝗢𝘃𝗲𝗿

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~ November 2018, Harry's POV ~

November 1st has always been quite an unusual day, but it's never been as strange as what today withholds. Current surroundings of my peers brought back to reality after the ghastly scene of Halloween festivities only served as a reminder that sometimes the thrill can be farfetched. Perhaps it's plausible that November is simply a tedious bore compared to the elation the month prior conceals. I'm obviously bias towards October with Halloween being my favorite holiday.

With that said, pacing through school grounds after every ounce of October has flourished is plainly just disillusioning. November is just my least favorite at this point. There's nothing great about it except for Thanksgiving. The rest of the 29 days that freely fall on the calendar are dull and dim. It's always been like this, I doubt this November is bound to surprise me by any means.

Not to mention the fact that lately school life has only proven to go downhill. Isabel seems to be crushing on my favorite cousin, Angel's self esteem is lower than usual due to Sophie dating that Blake guy and Leo is just Leo as always. I can't help but to feel like life was easier before Middle School. I'm currently missing the simplicity of elementary.

Everything hits different once the party's over. It's so surreal, there's a lot that can go wrong and there's a lot that can go right. It's simply a gamble and it's all at stake. I don't mean to sound so philosophical but it's just what's been on my mind lately.

Isabel calls me a friend but has always kept me closer. Maybe it doesn't mean much, but to me it does.

~ Isabel's POV ~

Completely unaware of my surroundings, I gazed upon the hazy view of a tense classroom filled with fellow dancemates. Oh shit, it's dance class, right? Yeah, of course it's dance class....

Our teacher Mrs. Lopez has decided to assign us with whole new dance partners, completely varying from our last assigned partner to form a decent pair. This immediate news shook up quite the storm and ruckus between our classmates. Even I can't exactly let out a sigh of relief. I've grown quite accustomed to Jack being my dance partner since he's practically a prodigal professional and asserts every dance move with ease.

As Mrs. Lopez announced the list of the latest dance pairs, I stressed upon the possibility that I may just get partnered up with Harry. That'll be so goddamn awkward and weird.

Harry paved his way towards me, assuming me to be his new dance partner due to the fact that Ms. Lopez practically concluded reading the names of the on her list of the rest of our classmates excluding Harry and I. Harry actually looks quite content, as if worries have been lifted off his shoulder. Damn, did he really dread having that blonde girl Tiffany as his dance partner that his eyes lit up at the sound of Mrs. Lopez announcing the both of us as dance partners.

" Hey Izzy! " Harry confidently greeted me. I spiral whenever he calls me that, it's the most absurd nickname I've ever been given! Through out the past few weeks I've made it 

" Stop calling me that, Harry. " I pleaded.

He blithely smirked. " Never. "

I could feel Harry's gaze firmly focused on my vexatious expression. I hastily ignored him and instead centered my focus on Mrs. Lopez's dance routine lesson. There she goes, venturing every single move with caution. I'm absolutely awful at dancing, it's grievously abominable at this point. 

Honestly, I hope that I'll somewhat improve in the future. Dancing might not be my strong suit, but songwriting sure is. I doubt I would be an interesting performer in future concerts if I really do end up becoming a popstar someday yet lack coherent dance moves. 

The song we're expected to learn to perform to next is apparently 'Umbrella' by Rihanna and Jay-Z. There'll even be literal umbrellas in the dance recital when we perform it live for our school.  That's fantastic and all, but I can't help but to internally panic over having Harry freaking Goldwyn as my new dance partner. Is that even a good idea anyways? What was on Mrs. Lopez's mind when assigning dance partners?

Perhaps she witnessed sometime during class what frequent friends Harry and I are and ultimately decided to cast us together due to that familarity we withhold. For some reason I feel slightly flustered upon this pairing. It's not like I still like Harry, because I don't, I really don't. It's just absurd for my best friend to be my dance partner, that's all. 

Right before heading off to my next class, Ashley managed to creep up right in front me with an apprehensive look plastered across.  " Is everything okay between us? " 

I blankly locked estranged eye contact with her,  " Yeah, it's fine. Don't worry about it. " I consoled her deepest concerns. 

" Are you sure? " She yet again inquired.

" I'm sort of used to it at this point anyways. " I chuckled, only worsening the mood I awkwardly set us in right after the party was officially over last Halloween night. 

Unsure of what to even say, Ashley stayed silent for a few seconds before speaking up once again. " Whenever you're ready, if  you're ever ready, I would love to be your friend. "

" Of course... " I duly sighed as I wearingly walked off to my next class.

I'm starting to think that nothing is better sometimes. I just keep losing in love and it's only the beginning. How is it possible that I can't even win just once? I should just accept it and let it all go. Oh, but how can I when I'm constantly surrounded by past crushes on a daily basis and ultimately confined to being their friend. 

I could lie and say I like it that, except I despise it all rolling out this way. No, I really don't like it like this. I don't think I can tolerate so much heartbreak through out the span of a mere two months. I don't like this at all, but I guess that's life, right? Ha, that rhymes... again.

A/N: Istg February has so many holidays- I never even noticed that until today lol. LOOK AT THIS:

I believe President's bdays are this month too

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I believe President's bdays are this month too. Lincoln on the 12th and Washington on the 22nd. Not to mention the Grammys were earlier this month as well and there's just so much going on in February!

February >>>>> January ( Tell me if you agree in the comments )

Sorry for the short chapter this time but honestly a short chapter after multiple 2000 word-filled chapters is a nice break from reading so much in one chapter. I say this as someone who dislikes reading lOoOoOoOoOong chapters. I may write long chapters sometimes but that's just the perfectionist in me pushing myself to write to my fullest ability. Another chapter will soon be published anyways since it was already written since months ago. 

Word Count: 1183 words

Next chapter publication date: Probably February 19th 

( I prefer to post chapters on Fridays/weekends/holidays and it'll continue that way since it'll work best with my future, extremely busy schedule post-17 + works with every other student's schedule as well )

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