chapter 4: Keeping secrets, and weird food combos

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Third person POV:

He kneeled down in front of the kids, and looked at them so desperately they immediately stopped laughing. " Listen to me closely, alright? " He said in a hushed tone and they nodded. " You have to keep this incident between us, alright? " Dream questioned but it sounded more like a statement and the three nodded.

" Okay, good now no one can know about this. Not even your parents, or else I'll be in very big trouble, okay? " He said sternly and they nodded again, a look of bewilderment on their faces. They were taught not to keep secrets cause it could put them in danger, but now they had to keep a secret or else it'd put dream into danger... They had never thought this would happen.

They didn't wanna disobey their families orders, but at the same time they didn't want to get dream in trouble. They had never been in a situation like this, and hadn't been trained on how to react.. They knew it wasn't good to keep secrets, but they also knew it wasn't good to not help people in need.. It was a battle of morals, and they weren't sure which one would win.

They decided not to think about it unless they were specially asked about it, therefore they wouldn't exactly be keeping secrets, just not bringing up a minor detail. They went back to playing soon after, but they couldn't stop looking over to dream in a confused manner. Why did he want them to lie to their parents/siblings?

And why would it put him in danger if they didn't? It just didn't make sense, they decided that if the topic came up they'd tell techno about it, since he was the nonchalant type, and would likely know what dream was so worried about. He was quite booksmart, tommy saw him reading plenty in the castle library. It didn't take long before they wore themselves out.

Only about twenty minutes before they were sprawled out on the ground near dream panting. " You guys want a snack? " Dream questioned softly, giggling slightly and the kids immediately jumped up. " I want cookies and hot chocolate! " Tommy screeched and behind him ranboo whispered something softly causing the other kids to let out a big sigh before ignoring him.

Dream having noticed this decided to ask. " Ran- " He began but tubbo cut him off. " Don't ask him what he wants! He'll want a weird combo with spaghetti! " He yelled but dream gave him a pointed look and he shut his mouth quickly. Dream, assuming the kids were just being judgemental and picky decided to ask ranboo what he wanted.

" What is It you wanted, honey? " He questioned ranboo, the toddler flushing at the nickname and smiling proudly. " I want spaghetti and hot chocolate! " He said smiling, happy to be included for once and dream nodded not seeing what was wrong with it. " That's not so bad, spaghetti with hot chocolate on the side. " Dream repeated with a smile and ranboo's smile dropped.

Everyone sighed at that, and dream gave a confused look. " No, I want the spaghetti to be made in hot chocolate! " Ranboo said, and dream felt the color of his face fade at the cursed food combination but he nodded. He'd have to do it, he didn't want to risk getting in trouble over the kids weird taste.

He forced a smile, " How would you like it to be prepared? " He questioned through gritted teeth. He was gonna hate making this, and could feel his non existent Italian ancestors disappointment and disgust in his core.

" I want the hot chocolate to made first, and then for you to soak the dry spaghetti in it so it'll like soak inside, but i still want sauce on it! " Ranboo said with a big smile, and dream cringed but nodded. " Got it, little man! " Dream said with fake enthusiasm.

He walked into the bathroom, and began boiling his water waiting awhile before grabbing a jar of hot chocolate and putting a spoonful or two in the water. Then waiting a little longer before he grabbed the dry spaghetti and adding it in too, holding back a gag while doing so. About thirty or so minutes later he was done with not only ranboos spaghetti but also tubbo and tommy's cookies.

He set it on the table, before calling the three inside the room. The nannys and chiefs had decided to take the others off his plate for a moment and allow him to just chill for a moment, but of course just had to leave the most chaotic ones with him, not that he can complain at least he didn't have about eight kids to cook for.

" Want some? " Ranboo questioned, smiling up at dream with chocolate spaghetti all over his chin. " Oh, no thank you! " Dream politely declined but ranboo wasnt taking no for a answer. Tears filled in his eyes, and his lip wobbled sending dream into panic mode. " W-wha! Wait I'd love some! " He screamed out, grabbing a nearby spoon and scoping some up before shoving it into his mouth.

He almost puked then and there but he held it back and forced a toothy grin at ranboo, " Delicious! " he said with a mouthful of spaghetti in his mouth. Ranboo smiled back, and both tubbo and tommy just gave the blonde a pitying look. Ranboo knew exactly what he was doing, he had done it to many nannies in the past, and it was always hilarious.

He forced himself to swallow the sinful food combo with a smile on his face, blinking back tears at the disgusting taste. He had always been picky, and even as a grown adult had cried because of food not being to his liking and being forced to eat it.(No he wasnt spoiled, hes just like me very picky and when forced to eat food that genuinely makes me sick to my stomach i cry.)

He swallowed some puke that came up and blinked faster, to keep the tears at the ends of his eyes from falling.

to be continued..
Word count: 1028

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