"I'm so sorry" she said. She'd been apologizing for so long she'd forgotten that she also deserved an apology for everything done to her. "I...I'm stronger than this I know. I know but...I ugh I just can't sometimes.". 

Daemon still held her, letting her express her feelings. "Perhaps you should have married someone else. I am not the person I once was Daemon. I...I'm weak and stupid. Gods I feel so stupid all the time. All those fucking men made me feel so silly, talking down to me like I was some little girl. The way they use to hide their insults behind polite smiles. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." 

"Stop it." Daemon said gently "Look at me. Nyra look at me." he coaxed her head to turn to him and look into his eyes. Viserra had been right, he had his mother's eyes. 

"Gods Nyra if I knew...hells if Laena knew about this she would taken Vhagar herself and destroyed Kings Landing. I am sorry Nyra. I ran away that night. I knew you'd need me, I should have listened to you at your wedding. I should have shoved Dark Sister down Cole's throat and taken you away to Dragonstone." Daemon shook his head. 

"You are not stupid or weak my love" he stated firmly, Rhaenyra looked up at him through her soaked lashed. "You are brave and strong and resilient. Where most would have cowered. You think yourself weak I think that is ridiculous. I watched that day in Driftmark how you spoke to Cole. The way you stood up for yourself."

"And the whole eye incident. Rhaenyra you are to be Queen one day. I'm sorry I wasn't there before but I am now.". 

Rhaenyra nodded but she kept looking down. Then, Daemon did something that would have made the Realm gasp. The Rogue Prince sunk onto his knees before his wife, taking her hands into his own. He kneeled on the ground in supplication and kissed her knuckles. 

"I swear to you right now Rhaenyra I will never abandon you again. You've given me your heart, and I shall guard it with my life. I will protect your children like my own. Believe you me I love those boys. You raised them immaculately. It is you Rhaenyra whom I will forever devote myself to. And if one day you tire of me and ask me to fall on my sword I shall die the happiest man in the Realm knowing I died for you, my wife, my love, my queen. So cease this foolishness. I will hear no more of you tearing yourself apart.". 

With a shaky breath Rhaenyra closed her eyes and composed herself yet again. She opened her eyes to Daemon standing in front of her as if nothing had happened as if he'd hadn't said the most beautiful words she'd ever heard. Rhaenyra did not even know what to say to that. Perhaps the her silence, compose silence was answer enough. 

"I love you" Daemon added suddenly "If it wasn't already obvious.". 

Rhaenyra gave a strained laugh. "Yes I suppose it is. Thank you Daemon." she said smiling wider now. 

"Come, there is much to be done.". Rhaenyra forced her voice to be even. She would not let anyone else see her cry, no longer would anyone make her feel weak. Daemon smirked sensing the change his wife and followed her as they walked out of their chambers. 

Hours later, Rhaenyra walked beside Daemon on the beach watching her son Luke chase Arrax around. 

"Be careful sweet boy" she called out to him. 

"Don't coddle him too much Nyra a few scrapes and bruises at his age are perfectly normal.". Daemon chided. Rhaenyra rolled her eyes in humor. 

"Luke has always been a little more gentler, more so since Driftmark. He loathes violence and bloodshed. Even the talk of it upsets him." Rhaenyra remarked. 

"Rather queer, I take it Jacaerys is more..." he trailed off. "Like you?" Rhaenyra completed, she knew Daemon better than she knew herself. She knew he wanted a soon too. She touched her belly softly. 

The Dragon and the Rose // Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now