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© JULI2N2 , gege akutami ➜ 2024

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© JULI2N2 , gege akutami


"It's not like I'll be
able to change the
ending anyway."

TRIGGER WARNING(S): extreme gore, death, objectification, basically fucked up shit

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TRIGGER WARNING(S): extreme gore, death, objectification, basically fucked up shit. yeah

Being alone with only your thoughts wasn't as bad as people make it out to seem. At times it can give you the sense of peace you never knew you needed so badly. That you needed it so bad that it became like a drug, a drug that had you hooked before you could stop yourself. A drug that was pure ecstasy, where the past wasn't lurking in the corners of your mind.

Her version of ecstasy was before her life crumbled down to ruins, where she actually knew what happiness felt like.

It was in his arms, his tranquil personality that was understanding to a little girl in a corrupt world. The moments where they held hands and he assured her that everything was going to be alright from that moment forward. But she knew; she knew even at the ripe age of six.

She knew that that was his first time he would lie to her.

The charade of spring where the sun shined down on the dirt path of a rural area, the birds singing in the distance, the smell of unpolluted air could fool anyone that no wrong had happened here. But the men that walked down this path knew otherwise.

Out of the small population of 2,003 civilians that resided in the small village of Hinohara, the numbers were reduced to 673 within a span of days. Local news were calling it the massacre of God's will, as no one had a single clue of what was happening.

"It's so hot out here, couldn't the old farts give this mission to someone else?" The white-haired man complained to his companion besides him.

"You know we're short-staffed, Satoru." The ebony-haired man responded.

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