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Chapter Thirteen

"Tell me how much you want me" Geto whispered in your ear, his hands teasingly roaming your body. His knee pressed up between your legs, causing you to let out needy moans.

He started kissing your neck hungrily. It was as if he had been waiting for this moment for so long. Your arms snaked around his neck, your hands burying themselves in his messy hair. He had pushed you up against the wall of his room.
"Your highness" you bit your bottom lip, trying your best to hold back moans as his hand massaged your breast.
He moved his head away, opening his mouth to speak as his eyes glistened with desire and lust...

Your eyes shot open. You sat up quickly, processing the dream you had just experienced.
No no no...

You wiped sweat off your forehead as you laid back down, still in disbelief of your own mind.
If he ever found out about such a dream you wouldn't hear the end of his teasing. He might even be a little disgusted..

You turned to lay on your side, tucking your hand under your pillow. You shut your eyes, shaking the thought out of your head and soon you were back to sleeping, this time with nothing but darkness.

The morning passed by and Geto was still in his room. Ever since that day in the field, he didn't utter a word to you.


"Do you still not feel anything for me, (Y/n)?"

Your name sounded so soft coming from him, his voice soothing like honey. You froze, not knowing whether to get to your feet or roll off of him. You swallowed the lump that had formed at the back of your throat. Your mind felt fuzzy as his face lingered in front of yours. You felt your ears and cheeks heat up, his obsidian eyes staring deep into yours, growing with need for your answer.

You opened your mouth to speak, but were unable to form a sentenced. Your heart was pounding against your ribcage. "(Y/n).." Geto muttered, sitting up fully now with you still sitting dumbfounded in his lap.

You honestly didn't know where all this was coming from. He was so strict and short-tempered with you in many ways you honestly thought he hated you.
He bit his bottom lip, his eyes traveling down your face to your lips.

"My p-rince... what are you thinking?" You whispered. You were desperate to find out his true feelings. This was all so sudden and confusing. He looked away, a small shade of pink dusting the apples of his cheeks. You had never seen him so... vulnerable before. You were just thankful that there was no one else around otherwise you would never be able to escape the judging and envious eyes of the maids.

He shook his head, a sigh escaping his lips.
"Nothing. You can get off of me now."

You stared at him for a few seconds more before getting to your knees, helping him up also.

He instructed you to go and clean yourself while he did the same. You were both so sweaty and exhausted you honestly thought you were going to crash into a deep slumber as soon as you finish washing yourself.


He was currently seeing Nanami. You had no knowledge of why he was getting examined but you stood in front of his door regardless. You were still his guard and you would make sure to keep anyone and everyone out of his room until he wished otherwise.

You stared down at your feet, replaying the events over and over again. You didn't know if you were plain stupid for not understanding his words earlier. He made you so nervous that you couldn't even think properly.
Your dream definitely didn't make your situation any better and if he called upon you anytime soon, you were sure you weren't going to keep your composure.

*In Getos room*

"Prince Geto, are you getting enough sleep?"

The prince sighed, leaning his head back in his chair as he mumbled an annoyed 'yes'.
Nanami shook his head, looking at his notes.

Recently, Geto had been feeling a lot of stress and anxiety and before his coronation, he thought it wise that he got himself checked.

"Right well, I do have a suggestion to fix what you're going through," Nanami started, gaining Geto's full attention. "Your feelings of anxiety is coming from the upcoming coronation. The stress that's making it worse is coming from a lack of...sexual intercourse."

Geto narrowed his eyes at Nanami, his mouth slightly agape. Geto rubbed his temples in annoyance. You've got to be kidding me.

"Is that the only solution? Geto stood up as Nanami nodded his head a single time.
"You are in your twenties now and have only ever been with a woman once. If you don't want any added on stress, you should.. relax." Nanami explained as he started to pack up his equipment.

Nanami left the room after Geto dismissed him, leaving Geto to his thoughts. He thought that he would just deal with it until his inevitable arranged marriage. He was sure he was not going to be able to find a wife the normal and natural way so why not just wait for his mother to grow impatient and set him up with a princess from far away?

Except he dreaded that thought. He didn't want to marry just anyone. If he was going to be completely honest, the closest person that he wanted to pursue anything with right now in this moment was you.
But he was sure you wouldn't want that. He knew you were intimidated by his position and you were happy just being his guard. He had no idea where along the line he had developed these feelings for you but all he knew was that whenever you were around him, his heart would beat faster and he would get nervous.

He shook his head. He didn't have time for silly romantic feelings right now. He was going to be king and he had bigger worries to deal with.

But, God, he wanted you so much

To Be Continued

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