speak of the devil

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(This is my first story ever wish me luck<3 btw text in bold said by characters is their alpha or omega voice i might not mention it cause I cringe when i do )

"do you ever get out?"taehyun asked as he was making himself a cup of cold coffee . "No, what about it"soobin was annoyed by his older brother since he was always bugging him about not having dated even once .
"Well soobin , mom told me to take you out today so get ready"
"Ew, go without me"was what taehyun got in respond before being kicked out of the younger's room
"Whatever"Taehyun muttered to himself

Taehyun is soobin's older brother but also his best friend since soobin didn't like angels , omegas , demon , betas ,nor alphas so taehyun was his only company which was also not his choice
(This was just a small intro of taehyun)

*With Yeonjun*

"Mom, can I go out with my friends today?" . "Of course sweetheart, but first go change and then eat" his mom said .
Yeonjun excitedly nodded and went to his room to pick out a outfit for the fun day ahead of him .
*Yeonjun's outfit*

"This is comfy" Yeonjun  said as he looked at his outfit

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"This is comfy" Yeonjun said as he looked at his outfit. He pulled out his phone to check the time"Oh no I am late shoot!!"he quickly took his wallet and ran downstairs
"Don't run, you'll fall"his mom warned him cause he was running around the house like a mad man . " Mom, I'm late I need leave right" Yeonjun pleaded with his mom . "But you haven't had breakfast yet?"yeonjun's mom said really concerned about her son . "Don't worry!!, I'll get breakfast with beomgyu and Kai!"Yeonjun shouted as he ran out of the House

"Hey guys!" Yeonjun shouted as he finally got to the cafe they were supposed to meet at. " Yeonjun , oh my god I thought you got kidnapped. I was so worried "Beomgyu said as he hugged Yeonjun like he was a kid . " I am fine , don't worry I just missed my alarm " Yeonjun excitedly responded
"Hey , you haven't given me a hug yet" Kai complained pouting . "Aishh , come here".
The three of them talked and then headed to the mall in beomgyu's car

*With the kang sibling*

"Soobin, get your ass up we're going to the mall"taehyun said tiredly . "Which one?". "The fucking normal one , now come on" taehyun said inpatiently. "Who says you can boss me around ?" Soobin asked as he realised dominating pheromones he got up from his chair and walk towards taehyun . " Soobin , don't miss use your voice" taehyun said Holding his breath trying his best not to be affected even if he was a alpha himself . Soobin was unique since he was a child he could use his alpha voice on everyone even alphas and make them submit to him

"Anyways , I have nothing to go so let's go"soobin said as he walked out of his office. "Someone needs to teach him a lesson" taehyun complained being out of breath as he took deep breaths"asshole"he whispered . Taehyun followed soobin outside
"Who's driving?" Taehyun asked . " Of course me" soobin replyed coldly.

Taehyun didn't mind . He was good at driving but soobin thought he was better

*With the angels*

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