The Shopping Trip

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The Shopping Trip

I'm going to spend most of my time watching the Cincinnati Bengals NFL game on my phone, because what else do you do when your girlfriend drags you shopping? Well, when my girlfriend, Rebecca, from AEW wrestling wants a new swimsuit, you go because you have no idea who is out there, ready to take her away. Who am I? I'm Andy Biersack, Lead singer for Black Veil Brides but today I am the advice giver, to my girlfriend, who forgot to tell me that she was going to "Victoria Secret's" to buy a swimsuit. Once we are inside, the only thing that saves me is to tell the salesgirl that I am here with you, because you want to buy a new suit. The thought of seeing you scantily clad, showing off your pale skin and slender, curvaceous body was appealing. And this store allegedly had a very good selection of suits. I couldn't help but wonder how on Earth this place stayed in business as we walked through. Middle of the day and it's dead – not a soul around. We make our way to the swimsuit section which is tucked back in a corner of the store. I again look around – still no one to be seen, employees or shoppers. I do see that this section has its own dressing room.

You're going through the racks, looking at this, holding on to that. I'm the last guy to give advice in this department. We both know that. I just fiddle with my phone while you make a few selections. "I've got enough for now. I'm going to try them on," you say. Still fiddling with my phone, I follow you. You stop and turn around. "Umm...where are you going?" I just look up at you and smile. You turn to keep walking...and I'm right behind you. You turn into the dressing room, and I notice there's no attendant. You enter one of the booths, and before you can shut the door I grab it, enter, and close it behind me. This time, your voice is much quieter. "Are you just going to watch me try on all this stuff?" Again, I just smile. I could speak – it's clear no one else is in the dressing room – but I like keeping quiet. You shrug your shoulders and start peeling off layers. It's not like I've never seen you naked. Or in a bikini. Or sexy lingerie. But the sight of you getting undressed, especially in such a nonchalant way, is still very sexy. Once undressed, you turn to reach for the first suit. But you turn to fully face me, and you have a little smirk on your face. You enjoy being a bit of an exhibitionist, even in this limited capacity.

I sit back and watch as you put the first one on: a black and white polka-dot bikini. You check your reflection in the mirrors, turning this way and that, tugging here and there, seeing, and feeling the fit. Only when you are satisfied do you turn to me for my opinion. It covers up too much, so I give it an "Eh." You nod your head in agreement and peel it off. The next one is a dark blue string bikini. Again, I watch as you manipulate the strings and tie everything together. I'm a little surprised that you selected a t-back...surprised but aroused. You go through the same motions, checking for yourself before getting my opinion. When you turn for my thoughts, I just look down at the bottom, look up at your face, back to the bottom, back to your face. You turn around, bend over a bit, and wiggle your very firm and toned ass at me. I reach out with both hands and grab your ass, slowly grabbing and massaging it. You just hold that position, letting me relax you. I do this for several minutes, then you stand up and peel this one off as well. You repeat the process with the other suits you brought it. None of them make the cut. You gather them up and hang them on the rack for clothes to be returned. Back to the racks outside to get another armload. I again follow you into the dressing room.

This time, you undress a little slower, but still feigning no concern over me being there...though, you did keep your legs straighter as you took off your panties. Your smirk is a little bigger as you walk toward me to reach for the suits hanging next to the bench on which I'm sitting. But when you get close enough, I put my hands on the top of your hips, right where they flair into your taut stomach. You look at me with surprise. I just lean my head forward and kiss your breast, lightly, softly, all over. You put your hands on my shoulders for balance, and I can feel your weight shift on to me. I slowly kiss my way around your breast, circling your nipple...then doing the same to the other breast. I keep going back and forth like this, getting a little more intense each time. Eventually I let my tongue roll over your nipple. Your hands squeeze my shoulders as I flick my tongue. Your nipple gets bigger and harder, until I can suck on it. Then I repeat the same on the other breast. Then I pull back and smile up at you. Your face is definitely a little red, a little flushed. But you quickly gather yourself and put on the next bikini, a cheetah print.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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