Chapter 4 - Amusement

Start from the beginning

"Wisdom? That's a strong word for someone who watched Animal."

"Hey, we all make mistakes. By the way, I have some bad news."

"Bad? Killed someone?"

Ignoring his comment, I shared the unexpected revelation, "Remember Shruti's best friend? The girl responsible for the incident or, better to say, accident? If yes, then also know that she is living with us."

Aarav's stunned silence was followed by a burst of laughter, "Oh, the 'beautiful voice'! What a bombshell! Tell me more!" and I recounted everything that had happened until today, and as usual, he burst out laughing every time. We shifted to some office-related banter before I suggested, "Let's hit a party!"

Aarav, playing the wise card, responded, "Bruh, it's turning into every night. That's too much."

I chuckled, retorting, "Coming from you, the infamous womanizer." After some back and forth, I agreed with him, and the call ended on a light note.

Tiara's Pov

I am getting annoyed at this point. I don't know what this man's intentions are. I don't have time to play with my mind, thinking 'he hates me, he hates me not.' So, I follow what I always intend to: 'Out of sight, out of mind.' It's confusing watching Anika aunty and Shri, the sweetest souls, sharing the same blood with such a brat.

Talking about this family feels weird. I have been alone for so long, living my life avoiding crowds and relationships, that it feels overwhelming to have such people around. I am a girl who felt bored going out two days a week instead of being bored staying at home for six days a week. This family is becoming an exception, except for Shri, who has been an exception in my life for a long time.

After I finish my work, I tend to call my sister. Kiara Sharma, my younger sister who has supported me throughout her whole life and is the only sole reason I still have a connection with my parents. I love my baby sister as my own child, and I will always protect her. Despite feeling guilty for leaving her, she always makes sure to let me know that I didn't do anything wrong.

It's a Sunday afternoon. Hoping she would be free, I dialed her number. After five rings, she picked up the call. I started, "How's my baby?"

"The way you can expect an 18-year-old to be. Frustrated. How are you, di?"

"I am good. Before anything else, tell me what you are frustrated about."

"Just constant classes and solving papers and whatnot. It's really hard to crack such entrance exams. How did you do it?"

"Don't stress yourself out. I know you have a lot of pressure, but always remember you don't need to if you don't want to. I am there, okay? Also, use my notes and read books properly; it will help. Are you taking care of yourself? Eating healthy and properly? I know it's a critical time, but enjoy a little by mostly going out of the house; it will refresh your energy."

"Dii, you know right that I love you. Also, I know you don't like me asking you this question, but will you be visiting soon?"

"After a beat of silence, I replied, 'Not soon, but yes, I will be visiting. How are they?"

"They are doing well. Don't stress yourself out. Also, don't stress about me; I am doing really well. Soon I will be with you. Are you in your apartment or out somewhere?"

I didn't want to stress her out in this phase of her life with my problems, so I did not tell her, and of course, not my parents too. So, I decided to continue the cover, "Oh yes, I am in my apartment now."

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