10 •Someone's feeling under the weather?•

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Now, what could it be?

|Nobody POV|

The orange-haired male and the dark brown-haired guy finally found their way towards each other at the cashier counter.

Suna paid for the things they took off the shelves, and he saw how Shoyo had bought some knee pads, a volleyball, a shirt who had someone he didn't know sticking on the shirt, a small plushie of him, and another plushie of the same guy from the shirt.

Rin didn't give much of a thought to those cause all he's thinking right now was to hide the shirt merch. He wouldn't want the little sun to know that he secretly admired the volleyball player side of Shoyo.


Both of them went put from the shop as Rin had paid for every single thing they bought from the store.

  "So, what had you bought?" Shoyo asked curiously while shooting a small smile towards the dark-brown haired male.
  "Nothing." With one word, he replied.
Shoyo just smiled again and decided to tease the guy.
  "Hm... really..???" He said in a curiously playful tone as he shuffled closer towards the male, pushing me to tell the guy the truth.

Suna tried so hard not to smile by the boy's behaviour as he cleared his throat and stared at him blankly and said,

  "Yeah, really."
  "Hm? I really thought I saw an extra– more clothes– or much more shirt merches– rather than the ones I bought."

The sunshine smiled teasingly, and Suna couldn't contain his smile as he dropped his head low and tried to hide the appearance of a big smile appearing on his face.

  "Hey, what are you so happy about?" Shoyo just chuckled, looking the older male.
  "Nothing." He smiled at the orange guy, and for a moment, Shoyo's heart skipped a beat as it felt like it's his first time seeing his husband smile (I think).

Rin, seeing the expression of the tangerine change in what seemed to be a good way, just sighed and ruffled the younger male's head.

"We should probably go home now. It's getting dark." No response the sunshine had given as a nod could already be seen as an agreement to Rin's statement.

|Suna POV|

Whenever I'm lying or hiding something and someone had suspicion on me and then confronted to me about it, I would always feel like laughing or smiling, or just let out some kind of excitement feeling, physically.

Well, I used to. It's an old habit, really. It was long gone, but I've never thought it would come back with this guy.

Seriously, he's always awakening something in me. Still, I'm safe. He hadn't found out about me buying a shirt merch of him.

Anyway, I'm not planning to wear it, rather than just looking at it or whatever.

They went home safely.


Several weeks had passed, and it was filled with Shoyo being rarely at home due to his volleyball practice as he was getting ready for an upcoming match.

Rin, in his free days, would sometimes feel lonely not having the loud boy at home.

Him being always on his phone would either just get bored or just don't know what to do with his phone anymore.

He would always be curious as to what Shoyo was doing.

Practice, yes, but had he had lunch? If so, what did he ate? Who's with him now? Who's his talking to right now? Is that Oi-whatever guy there with him? Would he be talking to him?

Therefore, that is a part of what Suna had been curious about the energetic ray of sunshine.

|Hinata POV|

  "OI KAGEYAMAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" I screamed at him.
  "Shut up." He said coldly at me. He had missed the ball he was gonna set to me even though I was getting all pumped up..

It's been going on ever since the day we met up again for the first time in a while for practice several weeks before, and he'd always been shooting me glares ever since, which I don't know why but maybe I could be a part of a reason as in to why he's not focused?

But seriously, if Kageyama's not focused, there's is totally something going on. For real, this used to be called "King," losing focus in a match? I'm surprised he hadn't killed himself for that cause for sure he would totally hang me on that basketball hoop if I had something wrong going on with me.

  "Tobio-kun, what's wrong? It's literally the same thing that happened over and over again for the past few weeks. You really aren't concentrating." Atsumu confronted him.
  "Yeah, Kageyama, I was getting all hyped up, and you made me lose it!" I whined and playfully made an angry face at him.

Without a response, he just huffed roughly and left to get water.

  "Seriously, what's wrong with him?" Atsumu said again while pointing at the black hair dude while Sakusa just rolled his eyes from miles away.
  "Should we ask him later?" Ushiwaka said in his usual blunt and deep voice while keeping a straight face.
  "I'll ask him!" Bokuto-san said in a cheerful tone, as always, but then he ran up to Kageyama, which all of us just sighed, and Atsumu just shrugs it off.

Bokuto-san would always be bold about things like this, but it's okay cause I'm following right behind him to know the reason why Kageyama's been so distracted.

"Yo Kageyama! What had been making you so unskilled these weeks?!" He went straight to the point, and the guy just gave out a cold stare at us and sighed.

Then, came the rest of the team to hear him out. He looked at us faces one by one and was a little hesitant to say, and seeing this, even Sakusa went a little bit closer to hear him; not as close as rounding Kageyama like we do.

  "I- um. Actually, I.." He glanced at me for a moment and then looked down to the floor, and then glanced at me once again and looked down to the floor again. Then he glanced again at me and looked back down to the floor.

And then he-

  "Bro, just spit it out, I'm getting bored of this endless loop of your eyes." Sakusa said from behind with a menacing glare.
  "Okay, fine. I actually.."
Everyone leaned in closer to hear.
  "I.." He hesitates once again, and Bokuto interrupts,
  "Got a new girlfriend?" Everyone looks at Bokuto and then at Kageyama.
  "REALLY!?" We all exclaimed in sync except Omi-san. He frowns.
  "No!" One word he said.
  "Then, what is it? Just spit it out." Atsumu said in annoyance.
  "Actually, I don't even know." He said.

Attentions shrank, mind blank, and we all sank.

We continued the practice, though.

|Suna POV|

"I'm home!" A familiar voice shouted, I quickly shuffled to the living room from the kitchen after cooking.
"You're early today." I said and gave him a smile.
"You're the one who's early today!" He exclaimed and returned a smile. I just chuckled at him.
  "Have you eaten?" I asked him.
  "Nope! We just split up today cause someone was feeling under the weather." He said while stretching his arms a little bit.
  "Really? Who?"
  "Kageyama, my setter."

I felt a little bit uneasy hearing the word "my" for some reason, but I didn't show it much.
  "Oh.. Was he sick?" I asked him again.
  "He didn't look like he was sick. Just troubled, I guess. We did try asking him what's wrong, but being a dumb guy he is, he doesn't even know what's wrong with him." Shoyo laughed, and I just smiled.

  "Anyway, I'm gonna go clean up." Shoyo said again, walking towards his room.
  "Don't be too late, or the dinner will get cold soon." I reminded him and walked off to the kitchen.

"I won't!"


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