"Exactly, Mr. Gadodia. It's enough. I didn't give you the right to decide for my life. And I am saying

this: I won't marry Laksh." Saying this, she dashed toward her room.

"This is all because of your doing, Shekhar. Since the time you got this Bangalan in this house,

everything is spoiled," Dadi accused.

"Maa," Shekhar tried to say something, but Sharmistha stopped him.


"Swara, please listen to me," Laksh pleaded, chasing Swara in the college grounds.

"What's there to listen more, Laksh? It's over. I told you from the start it didn't feel right, and now

you know. No one would agree, Laksh. Everyone is hurt," Swara said, pushing him away.

"It's all Ragini's fault," Laksh muttered under his breath as he watched Swara leaving.


In the weeks that followed, the Gadodia house became a battleground for silent wars. Despite

the apparent calm, day-to-day fights between Dadi and Sharmistha escalated. Shekhar

struggled to manage, but his efforts were failing. and Dida played her part in the unfolding


Ragini, however, seemed to have detached herself from the ongoing turmoil. While a vacuum

lingered in her heart after encountering Laksh's confession, she managed to shield herself from

the pain. There was an evident hole, an emotional abyss she didn't quite know how to address.

The daily bickering between Dadi and Sharmistha had reached a new peak. Dadi, ever critical,

blamed Sharmistha for everything.

"You can't even do one thing correctly, Sharmistha. You're not supposed to keep the items this

way, or do you just want to spoil my pooja, knowing it's for Ladoo?" Dadi lashed out.

"Maa, I tried to do as you said," Sharmistha defended herself.

"Of course, how could you and your daughter be wrong? The fault is ours, like always."

"Dadi, Maa didn't mean it," Swara attempted to mediate, but Dadi stormed off in frustration.

Swara found herself tired of the day-to-day drama, and Ragini, who had once been the voice of

reason, seemed to have stopped caring.

Earlier, Ragini used to make Dadi understand, but with her withdrawal, the situation spun out of

control. The daily accusations and finger-pointing intensified, each blaming the other for the

chaos that ensued.

"Of course, Shekhar, you would find fault in me. For your Sharmistha, can never be wrong. All

wrong in this whole world is me," Dadi continued her tirade.

"Maa, why are you exaggerating it? Let's go inside and talk," Shekhar tried to calm her down.

"I don't want to. All I said was I wanted to go for pooja, but your wife had to spoil it."

The drama attracted the attention of the people in Badi, and whispers about Sharmistha and

Swara's alleged wrongdoings circulated.

Dida, witnessing the chaos, decided she had had enough. She intervened, trying to put an end

to the blame game.

"Ee Marwaran, stop blaming everything on my daughter."

"The fault is of your daughter and granddaughter. First, your daughter spoiled my son's life, and

now your Swara is behind my Ladoo's would-be husband. If the fault is not theirs, then who is at


"Swara didn't come in between. Laksh found Swara better than your Ragini, and he fell in love

with her. It's your and Ragini's fault. Ragini was not enough."

"Stop it!" Swara attempted to take Dida away from the escalating conflict.

"See, even now, it's my granddaughter, not yours. She is the cause of all problems, not my


"How dare you?" Dadi couldn't contain her rage and impulsively threw a jar of water at Dida,

further escalating the already uncontrollable drama. The feud continued, leaving a trail of

resentment and animosity within the once tranquil walls of the Gadodia house.

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