BlackHairTurnedInto White, such a name is too shameful and normal humans can't it with their mouths.

Jungkook said: "I am ListeningToPineByTheCreek, do you still remember me?"

"I remember, you are that big brother!" Eunha said cheerfully.

Eunha actually didn't add any
people he didn't know in the game, most of them were classmates in the class. She was very impressed by this ListeningToPineByTheCreek. Although they hadn't spoken since they became friends in the game, and hadn't continued to play together, this brother was not only willing to look after her as an elementary school student, but also kicked the person who sounded like a bad person out of the team and killed him back to the city in the game.

And today, pulled her into this team. When she received the invitation, she remembered who he was.

"Don't add anyone, leave the team now, I will chat with you privately." Jungkook emphasized, "Don't add anyone, just leave now!"

The man said, "F*ck, don't you dare eat

Before the words were finished, the rich and soft lolita had withdrawn
from the team very obediently, and after that, the annoying 'ListeningToPineByTheCreek' also left.

The man cursed and swore. He went to send a friend request to the little lolita, but he was rejected by her. It's all because of that troublesome ListeningToPineByTheCreek!

Jungkook and Eunha opened a private chat channel.

"So how much do you want to spend on a gift for your sister?" he asked.

Eunha said happily: "It's okay to spend all my money!"

The elementary school students have a simple and pure mind, which makes people very relaxed when they listen to it. Jungkook smiled and said, "When my classmates buy gifts for their girlfriends, they usually give lipstick and perfume, but I don't think it might be suitable for your sister?"

"Yes, my sister has a full-color lipstick set, she doesn't lack this kind of thing." Eunha said, "Giving gifts should give things that the other party doesn't have, right?"

Sure enough. Jungkook asked: "How old is your sister?"

Eunha said: "She is 16 and a freshman in high school."

Girls in their first year of high school have full-color lipsticks. Do girls start to put on makeup at such a young age?

A beautiful face suddenly appeared in Jungkook mind. There was youth hidden under that gorgeous lipstick. The cold sensation between his eyebrows made his fingertips seem to touch an electric current, and his hormones throbbed strangely.

Jungkook tapped the mouse with his finger, glanced at the ring on the index finger of his left hand, and said,
"I know a relatively niche designer, and the jewelry he designed is quite personalized. The price is in the range of 20,000 to 100,000. I think it should be an acceptable price for you. You might as well take a look."

He gave Eunha the brand name and website, and told her: "He has no agent in China, so you can only purchase directly through this website. You go in and take a look at the upper right corner. There is a language option and you can choose 'Simplified Chinese'. He has a Chinese version and the other is a direct purchase. What he quoted there is the bare price, excluding customs fees, you have to..."

He told the elementary school student what she should pay attention to.

"I saw it! Wow, the items really look good!" The elementary school student on the opposite side said happily, "Thank you Big Brother! I got it from here!"

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