Strangers In The Night

238 11 7

[Okay so many people who stayed with me before my Child's Play and Suicide Squad book know that I made a book of Interview With A Vampire but it got deleted.idk what happened but it just deleted itself somehow? And I never got back to writing it so that's what I'm doing.😎]

DON'T CORRECT ME ON ANY GRAMMAR OR SPELLING MISTAKES! Also this book will not be taken seriously by the author(me) plus I'm an idiot so I don't know what most of the objects are called.

Font Types!
Lestat De Lioncourt=Lestat De Lioncourt
Louis de Pointe du Lac=Louis de Pointe du Lac
M/N L/N= 𝘔/𝘕 𝘓/𝘕

In the bustling city of San Francisco, cars glided serenely, occasionally honking, and obediently halting when necessary. Pedestrians gracefully maneuvered through the congested streets, signaling for taxis with a wave of their hands.

Amidst the chaotic symphony of traffic and bustling crowds, an enigmatic figure observed from above. Fixated on the inhabitants below, he contemplated the pulsating hearts and the life force coursing through their veins with every breath they took.

Maintaining a proper posture, the man's hands were positioned behind his lower back, and his long brown hair was tied into a low ponytail that hung down his back, obscuring his face from view.

The man's peaceful ambiance was shattered when an unexpected visitor entered the room.

"So you want me to tell you the story of my life."
The man with lengthy hair uttered words without ever shifting his gaze or body position.

"Like I said, that's what I do. I interview people. I uh, I'm a collector of lives. Fm radio, KFRC."

The individual known as the interviewer had his brown hair neatly styled, with gel and a comb used to slick it back. He was dressed in a light blue dress shirt and a black vest, and was seen organizing the materials required for recording.

"You'll need a lot of tape for my story."

"Ah, it's no problem. I got a bag full of tape right here."
With a quick motion, the interviewer took hold of a case with glasses and positioned them on his nose.

"You followed me here, didn't you?"
The individual being interviewed has not yet made eye contact with the interviewer, keeping his back towards him.

"Yeah, I suppose I did. You seem very interesting."
The interviewer reached into his bag and took out a pack of cigarettes. He gently tapped it on the table made of brown wood before placing it between his lips.

The interviewer glanced around the room, noticing the pristine white walls that surrounded them.
"This is where you live?"
He said while setting fire to his lighter as he covered the flame with his hand.

"No. Just a room."

Inhaling deeply, the interviewer took a drag from his cigarette before removing it from his mouth and gripping it between his index and middle finger. With a quick glance at the tape recorder, he pressed the play button, ready to begin the interview.

"What do you say we get started?"
The interviewer let out an exasperated sigh before shifting his focus to the man standing behind him, who was still gazing out of the large window.

"So, what do you do?"

"I'm a vampire."

Glancing over his shoulder, the interviewer's gaze landed on the man standing in front of the glass, before shifting his attention to the empty wall ahead.
"Well that's something I haven't heard before. You uh, you mean this literally, I take it?"
The interviewer set his cigarette down on an ash tray.

Interview With The Vampire(Top Male Reader Insert) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें