Motion Detector

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With the advancement in the ways Burglars give shape to their actions, Conventional Security Systems like CCTV can not stand still to provide any security to people. To cope up with this problem, advanced security devices have been devised and one of the most reliable products is Motion Detector.

What is a Motion Detector ?

A Motion Detector is an electronic device with Motion Sensors in it that work in mechanisms designed to measure the movement in its vicinity. Though a motion detector is used for many different purposes like Automated Lights, Hand Dryers, Automatic Doors but the most vital role is played by it when integrated with Intrusion Detection Systems.

A Motion Detector works because of the presence of a Motion Sensor in it which notices the moving objects, mainly people in its detection range. The Motion Detector senses an unauthorised person moving in its range and sends an alert to the control system to act upon.

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