Start from the beginning

"Has Venetia invited you to Saltburn yet?" - He speaks in between the quick kisses he places on her neck, tickling her skin, making her laugh made him chuckle aswell.

"I'm always invited." - She responds, running her fingers through his curls. - "Who's your new guest this year?"

"Probably Ollie." - Felix considered this since Oliver confessed his father died. He knew that maybe coming to Saltburn might distract his brain. - "My mother will give him free therapy" - He chuckles, tilting his head at the feeling of Barbie's fingers on his head.

"She will take care of him." - Barbie smiles. She was already sensing something in Oliver, but sometimes being too straight foward was hurtful, and things between her and Felix were finally back to normal. It was a waste to risk it.

The morning passed. Barbie was reading a book when she suddenly hears Annabel's voice.

"I don't know, he's just a bit awkward. He's got zero chat." - She says, looking up at Felix. - "Like...who would I even sit him next to?"

"I dunno..." - Felix responds, not sure what Annabel is on about and why she's suddenly complaining. - "One of your hot friends?" - Annabel laughs.

"I'm sorry, Felix," - She continues. - "but no one wants to sit next to fucking Oliver."

For Barbie's surprise, Oliver was just behind Felix and Annabel. He slows down, mortified.

"Hey Ollie!" - She walks towards him, closing the book and glancing at his face. She thought he was really cute, but she needed to know who he really was. - "How are you?"

"Hi Barbie" - He smiles, forgetting for a second about what he just heard. - "I'm really good actually." - Oliver tries to shake the tension with a fake smile and fake positiveness.

"I'm glad you are." - Barbara smiles. They kept walking, she was following him and he was following her, they were going nowhere. - "You heard what she said?" - She adds. Barbie obviously wanted to speak on it, mostly because she was upset and angry at Annabel.

Oliver nodds. - "I did."

"Don't worry about her." - She suddenly stops, holding his shoulder, reassuring him. - "We don't want to sit with her either." - Oliver was taken aback by Barbara's response. He thought they were still friends.

He knew about the whole situation between the three of them - or four, counting India. - but he never really took it as a massive problem; Felix couldn't stop talking about Barbie, and he wasn't enjoying all those hookups because they weren't her. Felix was filled with guilt and he will always be. He dumped her because they were overwhelmed with their own problems, and then kissed her friends, proving how insesitive he could be and how mean her friends actually were.

"We don't?" - Oliver asks, almost sounding innocent. Barbie laughs, nodding.

"From now on, you sit next to me." - Barbara's hand leaves his shoulder and goes directly into her pockets. She had such an ease at pretending to be a flawlessly natural girl, she was great at impressing everyone with the smallest things. Oliver nods, smiling.

They were playing cat and mouse. Ollie tried to understand why Felix adored her so much; he was trying to replace her and get to her most important and hurtful flaws to tear her apart and replace her. Barbie was desperate to know what was Oliver on about, what did he wanted, how did he gained Felix's trust this fast.

Barbara was very sweet, we can tell because even if she doesn't like Ollie that much, she still tried to make him feel better about the previous conversation between two of her friends. She waved at everyone, she smiled, she spreads tenderness all aroud. How is it possible that a girl this warm, this clever, could feel such an overwhelming emptiness inside?

There were two versions of Barbie, some people were intimidated by her, was it because of her beauty? her wealth? her changing personality? She was very intrigued to know. The other version was the sweetest girl you'll ever know. The smart barbie, the gentle, sensitive.

She didn't really knew who she was yet, she feels out of time even if she's got plenty of life ahead of her.

A few hours later, Farleigh and Barbara were best friends again.

"Are we going to Kings Arms?" - Annabel asks. Farleigh was hugging Barbie by the waist, trying to hide the awkwardness and tension around them. Annabel had no idea about Barbara being completely jealous and upset at her, it was pretty dumb for her not to realize, but it was also unfair of Barbie to suddenly treat her like shit. She had the opportunity to speak to Annabel about the girl codes, boundaries, and about Felix a long time ago.

"Actually we're not today." - Farleigh responds when he notices Barbie was not going to speak. He smiles, acting completely normal and unbothered. - "I'm doing sleepover with Barbie!" - He kisses her friend's cheek and Annabel smiles, she simply nods. She was a sweet girl, but that's how it works. Barbara was possesive, a jealous mess. She always found fighting over boys quite ridiculous, but for her, Felix was a face you go to war for.

"You can catch us if you want." - Barbie adds, completely fake.

"Oh no, don't worry. Have fun!" - Annabel smiles, ready to leave again. Barbie and Farleigh had the habit of smiling and nodding at the same time, like two scary twins. They had a weird chemistry, they argued and later they laughed about it like nothing happened, they read eachother very well.

Now, the evening has passed. Time was the scariest thing for Barbie. She hated growing, she hated when summer comes because that means she has to visit her family again. The only thing that keeps her going on the summertime is Saltburn and Venetia's late night stories.

The night was warm, a perfect summer night weather. Oliver was the only person outside, smoking. He suddenly looks in at Felix's window, his eyes glued to the view, the long window exhibiting Felix and Barbara undressing eachother.

"God..." - Felix sighs, gasping for air as he traces a line of kisses from her chest to her neck. His hands wander around her back, pulling her closer. The contrast between their bodies was what captivated Oliver so much, they were both flawless. - "You're so hot." - Felix speaks in between quick but sensual kisses. Barbara started undoing his pants, giving zero fucks about the window being in the middle of the room and facing the whole campus. Felix's touch was hungry but gentle still. He had a way of pleasing whoever he wanted the right way, but it was only Barbara who could make him lose it.

Oliver's jealous eyes kept staring. For a brief moment, Barbara looks at the window, making sure no one was seeing Felix taking off his pants. As soon as her eyes catches his, she starts laughing, covering her mouth. Felix looks at the same direction and his eyes widen, completely taken aback but not so uncomfortable. Oliver couldn't help but laughing too. He felt relief when Felix didn't feel like he was a creep, he was already picturing his friend running towards him and curse his name a million times.

Barbara waved with a playful smile and closed the curtains as Felix grabbed her hips tightly from behind to pull her closer again.

Barbie was so easy-going, even if her life was constantly falling apart, she didn't care at all. She was trying to enjoy the last days of college, even if she didn't want to be there, it was the only place where she was truly herself. She cried and laughed, she learned from some people and she filled herself with hatred for the others. She was still learning to live with herself.

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