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You spending more time in LA
Shouldn't be long, but I won't wait.

"Shit," Q hissed giving Mo one final stroke before pulling out and climaxing onto her stomach.

Mo was nowhere near satisfied or finishing, but she still smiled and gave Q a loving kiss when he returned with a rag to clean her up.

"That was amazing," Q said laying his body next to Mo's and pecking her forehead gently, "as usual."

Mo smiled insincerely, lazily wrapping her dainty arms around Q. Resting her head on his chest, his rhythmic heartbeats reminded her of the pensive announcement she'd been wanting to make to him. She nervously fumbled with the crucifix dangling from his rope chain before she cleared her throat to speak.

"I, uh... I wrote you a song," She said.

Q lifted his body slightly to look at her inquisitively.

"You wrote me a song?" He queried. Mo nodded.

"Yeah, and I recorded it. Jen's cousin has a little studio. I wanted you to listen to it when you get a chance; tell me what you think."

Mo trailed her eyes to Q's face to read his expression. He looked confused which was a little discouraging to her.

"I ain't know you were into music like that. Shit, I ain't know you could sing for real to be honest. I mean you can carry a tune cause I be hearing you in the car," he shook his head as he was rambling, "I ain't know you wanted to take it seriously."

"I mean, yeah... I dunno, maybe," she shrugged, "Jen said my poems were good and I should turn 'em into songs and sell 'em to artists. Didn't feel right to me so I wanted to see what would happen if I recorded one. I kinda liked it, that's why I wanted you to listen; see what you think."

Mo peered into Q's chestnut eyes as she bit her lip, nervously awaiting his response. He rubbed her shoulder gently with his thumb, deep in thought about what she'd told him. She picked up her manicured finger and traced her name tattooed on his right chest, reminding him of how much he loved her. He looked down at her and grinned.

"I'll listen to it, mama," he nodded before pecking the crown of her head.

Mo blushed, her dimples deepening involuntarily as she grinned wider. Q's heart fluttered. Her dimples were the very first thing he noticed about her, and they were the very thing that made him fall in love with her. She was always smiling and happy no matter what she or they went through. She kept him grounded.

"Oh, I meant to tell you I'm flying back to Cali tomorrow," Q said breaking the silence that befell the room.

Mo sat up with a disappointed frown.

"You've been going to Cali a lot, Q. What's out there?" She questioned, really meaning who.

Q kissed his teeth.

"Mo, I promise there's no one in Cali," he sighed.

"That's what you said th—," Mo began defensively.

"Baby," Q sighed sitting up in bed to look Mo in her jealous eyes, "I know you still fucked up about what happened last year when I was out there and you know I been trying my hardest to make it up you, but we ain't gone get nowhere if you still holding it against me."

"In other words, get over it, right? Because I can't just get over you cheating on me, Q. Especially when you keep frequenting the place where it happened. I keep telling you it's selfish and arrogant as fuck to tell me to get over the greatest pain and betrayal I ever experienced in my life. I can't believe we're having this conversation again when we shouldn't fuckin' have to," Mo scoffed, folding her arms across her chest.

Mo felt like Q was downplaying her feelings about the situation. Plus, to Mo, the situation never really got resolved. They fought, he begged for forgiveness, then they fucked it out in an apartment at one of his dad's properties, but they never actually talked about it. Q on the other hand felt like Mo was holding the situation over his head which wasn't fair to him since he actually had been trying to do right by her.

"You not listening to me cause that's not what I'm saying at all," Q exclaimed, Mo was silent.

Q groaned, running his palm down his face to calm his nerves. If there was one thing he hated it was when Mo twisted his words. It always led to an argument and he was tired of arguing. Plus, she was making him feel guilty for it all over again after he'd spent a year healing from the guilt of it all.

"I'm saying," he continued softly, "I know I fucked up and I'm sorry, ok? But I been working over time to regain your love and trust. This past, what, six to eight months have been smooth because you been giving me an opportunity to show you I changed and that I can be committed to just you. You told me when we got back together you weren't gone hold the situation over my head and you would let me do what I needed to do to make things right. Bringing up the situation every time you get triggered and thinking the worst of me is only gone hold us back. I know it's hard but you gotta at least try to trust me for us to make any real progress as a couple, Mo."

Mo's face softened.

"Ok," she uttered, laying her head on Q's shoulder.

Q was right and she knew it. As hard as it would be to trust him back in California, she had no choice but to. If she wanted to complain every time he did something that triggered her, her only options were to leave or get over it and she was way too entangled in his love to leave.

She traced her name on his chest again, not even looking as she'd become familiar with its location on his body: five inches down from his collarbone and four to the right of his sternum.

"I got you, Mo. I got us," he reassured her, caressing her bare thigh.

"I love you, Q," she whispered, uttering the words he hadn't heard in a year.

Mo could feel his heart rate increase with her ear pressed against his shoulder. He stopped caressing her in shock. To him, the words were long overdue, but he still never expected to hear them this soon after going so long with them being unrequited. He closed his eyes in bliss as the air felt much lighter now.

"I love you too," he said, gently grabbing her hand and flattening her palm against his chest.

His heart thumped against her palm, entrancing her in its rhythm. As its pace steadied, she found herself trying to match the rhythm; taking breaths and exhaling when he did. Eventually, the two fell asleep, hearts beating in unison, as one.

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