Adira sucked in a deep breath, "Holy shit. I'll get with Poppy and mom to make arrangements. If he needs anything let me know. What about Brick's mother?"

Ghost scoffed, "His mom haul ass the moment she had Brick. Left him in the hospital with a note for the nurses to give him to his dad."

Adira felt the rage simmering inside her. She knew she couldn't loose her shit so close to her due date so she took a deep breathe, "I will come back to this after I have our babies and I will come back to this."

Ghost chuckles at his old lady, "You don't have to worry about her, El took care of her a long time ago. Woman ain't nothing but a sore memory. Don't send yourself into labor. Our kids need to cook a bit longer."

Adira huffed in annoyance, curling as best as she could into Ghost's side, "Fine. The woman can breathe for a little longer."

Ghost chuckled, shaking his head. He kissed her forehead, "Are you hungry? My woman and kids need to eat."

Adira leaned up pecking him on the lips, "Your children would like a big ole juicy burger with large onion rings and a giant Dr. Pepper.

Ghost gave Adira a smile of adoration, "What my woman wants, she gets. I'll be right back. Mouse will be around so if you need anything let him know."

Adira nodded leaning back on the couch, "Быть безопасным. Люблю тебя." (Be safe. Love you.) Adria grabbed their television remote, pressing on the power button to power up the tv. 

Ghost stood there for a moment admiring his pregnant old lady. He never thought he would have someone to come home to. She gave him a purpose to live. She's giving him kids he'd never thought he would have. He felt a warm feeling spread throughout his chest.

Adira noticed Ghost hadn't left. She slowly sat up, "You okay baby?"

Ghost gave her a genuine smile, "Я в порядке, любимая. Просто интересно, что я сделал правильно, чтобы иметь тебя." (I'm okay love. I'm just wondering what I did right to be able to have you.)

Adira smiled at him lovingly, placing a hand on his cheek as he leant down. She spoke in a soft voice, "Все просто, я попросила мужчину, который будет любить меня так же сильно, как я люблю его. Кто-то, кто примет и полюбит меня безоговорочно, а потом ты появился в клубе, как слон в посудной лавке." (It's simple, I asked for a man who would love me as much as I love him. Someone who would accept and love me unconditionally and then you appeared like a bull in a China shop.) 

Ghost chuckled, placing his hand on top of hers for a moment before pulling her hand back slightly. He turned his head and placed a small kiss on her palm, "I love you."

Adira gave him a smile full of love, "I love you more baby." Like a child, she stretched her neck up with her lips puckered, signaling she wanted a kiss.

Ghost chuckled before connecting his lips with hers. His hand slid to the back of her head, deepening the kiss. Her kisses were addictive and he always wanted more. His grip on the back on the couch tightened as he groaned against her mouth. He pulled every ounce of restraint and pulled his lips away from hers, "I have to leave now to get you food or you won't eat tonight."

Adira traced the outline of his lips with her finger, "Don't threaten me with a good time." Ghost nipped at her finger making her yelp, pulling her hand away while giggling. 

Adira's giggling immediately stopped as she felt one of the babies kick. Her immediate silence made Ghost go into instant panic mode, "Are you okay? Are the babies okay? Are you hurting? Am I hurting you? What's wrong? Why aren't you saying anything? Please talk to me. Tell me what's wrong so I can fix it." His rapid questions made Adira's head feel like it was spinning.

She covered his mouth with her hand efficiently silencing his questions, "I'm fine, the babies are fine, no you aren't hurting me. No I'm not hurting. I can't say anything because you aren't taking a second to let me answer. Nothing is wrong but our babies like the sound of your voice."

Ghost tilted his head to the side in confusion. To Adira he looked like a confused puppy with his head tilted, "I don't understand."

Adira grabbed his hand placing it on her belly where she felt the kick, "Now say something. Preferably something in Russian."

Ghost raised his eyebrow glancing at Adria, "Our babies like when I speak Russian?"

Adria let a cheeky smirk cover her face, "I'm not sure, but it get's me hot and bothered." 

Ghost groaned at her her admission. His voice sounding deeper than intended, "Маленькая сирена. Маленькая сирена. Нам следует сменить твое имя на «Маленькая шалунья»." (Little siren. Little siren. We should change your name to minx.)

Ghost's head snapped down when he felt a small but firm thump against the palm of his hand. He looked back up at Adira before looking back at her stomach, "Is that what you feel everyday?"

Adira smiled while nodding, "It's their way of saying hello. It doesn't hurt but they sure are strong."

Ghost kneeled down next to the couch placing his other hand on her stomach, "Привет, мои малышки. Это твой отец. Мы очень любим вас обоих. Я знаю, что вы оба хотите выйти наружу, но мне нужно, чтобы вы, ребята, дали вашей маме отдохнуть от ударов ногами. Еще немного, и мы встретимся с вами обоими." (Hey my babies. It's your dad. We love you both so much. I know you both want to come out but I need you guys to give your mom a break with the kicking. Just a bit longer and then we get to meet you both.)

Adira sniffled as she began to cry happily. She placed her hand on the side of his face as he leaned down and kissed the crown of her stomach. She waited until his eyes met hers, "The three of us love you just as much, my love."

After feeling his children kick his hand, Ghost didn't want to leave Adria side, so he gave the car keys to Mouse and sent him to get him, his old lady, and Abby. He figured the kid would wake up soon and be hungry.

Ghost made his way to the kid's room. Knocking gently as he could on the door, "Hey kid. We got some food out here if you're hungry."

He didn't hear anything so he knocked a little louder, "Hey kid." He opened the door a bit and peaked in. He saw Abby in her bed. She was tense and twitching. He knew she was having a nightmare. He quickly walked towards her. Gently laid a hand on her shoulder, shaking her slightly, "Hey kid. You're okay. Wake up, it's just a bad dream. Wake up kid, you're safe now."

Abby jumped awake full of terror. It pulled at his heartstrings. Ghost grabbed Abby's hand, "Hey Abby, look at me. Its Ghost. You're at my house. It's okay. You're safe now. Just breathe."

Slowly, Abby's rapid breathing returned to normal. She spoke in a tearful voice, gripping Ghost's hand tightly, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make any noise."

Ghost gently petted the hand that was gripping his like a life line, "Hey it's okay. You had a bad dream, no reason to apologize. You did nothing wrong. You're safe here."

Abby's head was looking at her lap, but muttered loud enough for Ghost to hear, "¿Cuántas veces vas a decir que estoy a salvo?" (How many times are you going to say that I'm safe?)

Ghost spoke with so much conviction in his voice, "Seguiré diciendo hasta que te sientas seguro, pequeña." (I'll keep saying it until you believe it little doe.)

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