Chapter Twenty Two: TREVON

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"Nicki's grandma is picking medical schools for her. I always thought that was stupid. Go through all the pain to become a doctor but not being allowed to become one."

"You'd be allowed but you just won't be able to use magic."

"Ever." Russ emphasized the word. "You couldn't use magic in any capacity. You'd basically have to let it fade from your life. Which I was taught wasn't easy."

"Whats exciting is getting to learn all of it. The in depth workings on medical practices can really make using magic more efficient. Even without becoming a certified doctor."

Russ shrugged. "Science and magic, it's all intertwined."

"The problem is I haven't done much." Trevon sighed. "Healing is my ability and it's not like I can practice on someone."

"I am not volunteering."


"No. No. No. No." Startled by the noise, Trevon scrambled to keep his study materials from jumping out of his hands. Sound didn't usually carry between floors but it was obvious, by the desperate echo, that this was from the floor below. However the scrambling and voices were getting closer.

"Someone stop him!"

In one smooth motion Russ jumped from his bed, dodged each pile, and disappeared out into the hall. Without thinking Trevon followed, stumbling through a pile of clothes. Running to the stairs he caught a glimpse of Russ hustling up the next level, three other boys following after him.

Skipping stairs Trevon caught up two floors later. The boys huddled close to the hall entrance, Russ knelt beside a natural auburn haired boy who was wheezing as if his lungs were somehow handicapped.

"Why'd he run up floors?" One of the boys in the huddle asked. The rest shrugged.

"Get off my floor." Doug shouted from down the hall. It was a surprise he had been the only one to emerge to see the commotion.

"We'll leave when we can, Doug." Russ snapped back without taking his eyes away from the first year boy in front of him.

"No. Now." Doug approached his hand flexed.

Trevon saw Russ tensing and he knew if Doug attacked, nothing could keep Russ from retaliating. Rushing between Doug and Russ, Trevon opened his hands in the most submissive stance he knew. Doug hesitated. Clearly no one had dared step between the two so quickly before.

"Hello, Doug. I'm Trevon, we've met before."

"You're standing in my way."

"Yes. I am. I'm sorry about that. The last thing I want to do is be an inconvenience to you." Trevon used his most sincere tone. He knew from his first meeting with Doug, this boy was extremely proud, so he had to make Doug feel like he had the power in the decision to leave. "That's also why I followed. I'm a healer, and I know I can help this boy and get him off your floor as quickly as possible. Do I have your permission to do that?"

Doug's hand relaxed as he blinked at Trevon. At this point Ari would usually fan the flames and still end up getting hit. So far, Russ's focus was elsewhere.

"Just do it fast." Doug rolled his eyes. "None of you are welcome in the McAllister Wing." Doug turned and walked back to his room. Appropriately slamming the door behind him.

"McAllister Wing?" Trevon questioned turning back to Russ. Crouching down beside the boy, Trevon realized he was muttering. It was too fast and too soft for Trevon to understand.

"It's a panic attack." Russ explained. "I've already hit him in the face. Do you want to try."

"He's hyperventilating," Trevon guessed, and it was a complete guess at this point. Hopefully he didn't have any chronic lung illness. "If we can't get him to calm down, then we somehow have to slow his breathing for him."

"Slow his breathing? I can get him to hold his breath."

"That might make him panic more," Trevon's head tilted "He just needs to know there is plenty of oxygen around him."

"I can prove that." Russ shifted himself back until he was sitting on his heels. "Sorry about this kid, I haven't brushed my teeth yet today." Using his arms Russ made two large sweeping movements pulling all the air around them into his lungs. Cupping his hands over his lips he leaned forward while pushing the wind out.

Trevon's jaw almost dropped. He could see the wind rush out of Russ' hands at a force not humanly possible. It hit the boy square in the face. Pushing him back against the wall. Eyes wide open. Mouth wide open. Cheeks pale. Jaw trembling from the chilly burst.

After Russ stopped, it was obvious the boy's panicked breathing had stopped as well. He managed to cough and sputtered for a moment. The cold chill had caused enough of a shock to his system that the boy's senses returned. The rush of the wind had been enough to pump a stabilizing amount of oxygen back into his blood. Now, he could control his breathing on his own.

"There. You're going to be fine," Russ reassured the boy.

The boy shook his auburn hair before finally glancing around. "Where am I?"

"On the wrong floor," said Russ honestly. "In fact I might be getting hives from being on this floor, so can you boys come help your roommate?" Russ finally turned to the three boys that had been watching. They quickly jumped at his request. Gathering up the very disoriented boy before they hauled him back down the stairs.

"That was interesting." Said Trevon watching the scene and following Russ back down the stairs.

"Yeah. Panic attacks don't usually happen until midterms, but you'll see more of them. Especially when kids start to discover their strengths aren't targeted to what their family wants it to be."

"I meant how gathered pure oxygen and forced it right into his lungs." Trevon clarified.

Russ shrugged. "Well it was either that or have you do mouth to mouth." Holding a gag from escaping his throat, Trevon stared dumbfounded, at his roommate. Russ awkwardly laughed, "I'm just kidding - sort of."

Trevon stopped in the middle of the stairs as an epiphany came to him. "I want to do that."

"What? Trev, I really was kidding."

"You just used Elemental Magic as medical treatment." Trevon went on, while Russ returned a very confused look. "That's what I should try. Elemental Magic!"

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