Chapter Nine: TREVON

Start from the beginning

Paul gave a short laugh, emphasizing his disbelief. "Right. Like your family would let you be a secretary. Ever. Stick this in Raines' drawer, will you?" He handed her a small memory chip. "And put it on top so she know's I returned it. Thank you."

"Okay." Nicki took the chip while Paul turned to leave without a glance at the stranger beside him. He'd almost made a complete 180 when a light switched on behind the girls blue eyes. "Wait!" Paul spun back around. "Your timing is perfect."

Rounding the desk, Nicki grabbed Trevon by the arm. Gently guiding him toward Paul. Trevon suddenly became aware that Nicki's height matched his sisters. However her personality was much friendlier. "Paul meet Trevon. Trevon, Paul." she pushed the two boys towards the door. "Trevon doesn't have a place to stay tonight, Paul. So you're going to take him home."

"What? Why?" Paul asked, "No offense dude I'm - "

"President Warrington is in the city until tomorrow. Trevon doesn't have a place to stay tonight so he should stay in your house."


"Because you're here and I know you have an open spot." The door swung closed Paul threw his hand out and stopped it, his knuckles inches from being smashed.

"Is he a new student?"

"Not yet. But look at him." She motioned to Trevon again. "I'm sure it's only a matter of time, so help the poor boy out." With Paul's attention distracted, Nicki managed to pry his fingers off and close the door the rest of the way. Right in front of his nose, forcing Paul to stumble backward. Trevon was impressed how quickly one has to react to these manual doors.

Straightening up his jacket the boy turned to Trevon, studying him. Perhaps debating whether to obey or leave him here. "Why not. Come on." He motioned for Trevon to follow him back down the stairs and out onto the sidewalk. "So, where are you from, Trevon?"

Trevon glanced over before answering. "Meckam Station,"

Paul tilted his head. "Never heard of it."

"You wouldn't," he grinned. "It wasn't anything special."

"Space station though, right?" He smiled as Trevon nodded. "Bet it's strange being on a planet then."

Trevon shrugged, trying to be casual despite the memories of his and Ari's childhood suddenly flicking through his mind; he knew they couldn't talk about it. "I've been on one before." Well ... couldn't talk about it in detail.

"This one is pretty unique," Paul said, as Paul spoke, Trevon felt a tiny tremor beneath his feet. Similar to the hum of an air conditioning unit being turned on. Looking up toward the trees there was a small ripple and young trees stretched a little higher, new leaves appearing down their branches.

Trevon blinked. The skies light was dimming so he wasn't quiet sure but, "Did I just see a tree grow?"

Paul chuckled as he continued walking. "Part of the forest was leveled last semester. They're working on getting it ready for the beginning elemental class next week."

"So that's a yes?"

Paul continued walking.

Crossing to edge of campus, they had walked down a street of houses. Actual houses, six of them, lining the paved street on both sides. The street was dimly lit, automatic lights still not quite adjusted to the evening. From what Trevon could see, though, the houses were huge. He suspected if you stacked two of them on top of each other, it'd be relatively close to Meckam's external structure.

"Welcome to the Gambit House." Paul declared as they approached one of the houses on the end.

"Why is it called that?"

"They named it years ago when they forced several clans to move in together under one roof." He chuckled. "Biggest gamble the council ever made."

Trevon realized he was supposed to understand what that meant, so he quickly nodded and smiled. Clans, council ... he would need to remember to look into that later.

When they entered the house, though, all other thoughts left his head and only one remained: This place was massive. That had been clear from the outside, but inside was more than he could imagine. The entry was wide and open, with double staircases leading to unknown wings, and an antique chandelier illuminating all from the vaulted ceiling.

Paul caught his gaze and grinned. "That doesn't really seem like it should be in housing for a bunch of guys, huh?" He motioned to the chandelier.

Trevon squinted; it looked like there was a pair of shoes stuck in the center of the lighting. "No? I think it's perfect."

Laughing, Paul led him up one of the staircases. "You're only staying here one night but I have to warn you to be careful. Living areas, game rooms, library, communications rooms, music rooms are all on the main floor and basement. They're the only common areas, which forces everyone to mingle and makes it necessary that those areas always be monitored."

"Why would that be necessary?"

Paul's smile wasn't as bright as before. "You know how people like to stick with their own. In a place like this, that's mostly used as an excuse for one thing."

Something in Trevon's mind clicked. Stick with their own, clans, family pride ... families. Apparently social circles revolved around families here.

They turned down a large hallway lined with doors. "Not all are willing to develop ties outside their clan. So try not to make any trouble tonight."

"I usually do well at not making enemies." He cleared his throat and stopped gawking at his surroundings for the first time. "Where would you like me to stay?"

"That's the thing..." Paul frowned - not a frown of disapproval, but of concern. "Since you're from a space station I think it's safe to guess you don't have any clan ties?" Trevon felt a small blush threaten his cheeks, as he nodded. "Thought so. The freshmen hall is already full --"

Something exploded behind them, showering their backs with debris. Paul sighed. "Oh Come ON! The semester hasn't even started!"

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