One Good Deed

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"Oh, um... Khajiit was sent here by Aric Lavinius." I responded. They both stared, as if they wanted me to elaborate. "Khajiit can prove it, he gave this one a seal, and an I.O.U for another scroll," I fondled around my bag, searching for the papers Aric gave me, proving I was on Synod business. I combed through the scrolls, my provisions, and my journal, but couldn't find it. My heart sank, and a pit formed in my stomach. They must have noticed, too.

"You lost them, I presume?" Remarked the argonian. She had a thick, foreign accent, and wore a simple green and brown robe. Her scales were a deep, youthful shade of green, with blue and orange scales wrapping around her eyes. It could almost be mistaken for makeup, but I could sense it was all natural. Does... can Argonians even wear makeup? Her scalp was layered with an array of pink and orange feathers, flowing backwards like hair. I had seen Argonians before, but none who were as... flamboyant.

"no... Well, maybe... Give Khajiit a second," I stuttered out in response. I quickly grabbed my knapsack again and brought it up to my muzzle.

"No sudden moves. Until I see that seal, you're an intruder," Said the human.

I continued looking through my bag to no avail. I recalled the night before, how I put the papers in the bedside drawer so they wouldn't be stolen. Alija! Why am I so stupid!?

"It appears that Khajiit... may have left them in the Imperial City," I sheepishly stated. My tail and ears lowered in embarrassment. 

"Awfully convenient, wouldn't you say?" Responded the blue-robed human. He cocked up a brow, and moved his crossed arms onto his sword-belt. Really!? I'm not a goddamn liar!

"No, not at all! This is extremely inconvenient for me!"

"It appears so," 

Finally the argonian interrupted:

"How did you get here in the first place? You don't look like a mage, and you've clearly never teleported,"

"It's... a long story. But Aric gave this one a scroll of recall marked on this enclave-"

"Conclave," The human begrudgingly corrected.

"Right, conclave," I continued. "This one stayed the night at a cheap inn, and then used it. Unfortunately, khajiit left the papers at the inn..."

"And why would Aric Lavinius send you here, of all places?" Questioned the human. 

"Who's that?" Asked the Argonian. She was ignored. 

"I- This one was sent to investigate a strange occurrence at Fanacas," 

His face became serious. It was evident that he was aware of the anomaly I spoke of. "How do I know you aren't lying?" He asked. My mind went blank, searching for an answer to is query. The Argonian took note of my nervousness, and spoke up.

"Callac, he wouldn't know about the anomaly if he wasn't with the Synod," She said, giving a name to the robed man. An expression of gratitude grew across my face, although she didn't seem to notice.

"He could have-" 

"Callac, please. I think he's telling the truth," 

"You're just saying that because you're both beasts,"

We both gave the human, Callac, the same condemning look of flabbergast and  disappointment.  

"Fine, you've made your point." He conceded. "I guess he wouldn't have known about the anomaly if he wasn't sent by Aric. Gods, curse that big mouth of his. So," He pointed back at me, "What are you? An apprentice? Associate? Where are your robes?"

Elder Scrolls: The AnomalyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora