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Please comment I am more active then many dragon RP keepers I will check in every day.

Job (thief, banker, etc.):
Type Of Dragon/Goblin/etc.:

No cussing or inappropriate or rude behavior
Any ideas for any elemental dragons please tell me by commenting. I apologize for the lack of imagination.

My characters.
Name: Nightmare
Gender: Female
Job: Theif
Type of Dragon/Goblin/etc.: Dark Angel
Element: Dark Magic
Mate/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None
Appearance: Black feathered wings and wears black and red most of the time
Personality: Fierce and expect the worst
Family: None
History: Was created to destroy in war. Most people run in fear at the sight of her and she hopes to find a friend that isn't afraid of her.

Name: Violet
Gender: Female
Job: None
Type of Dragon/Goblin/etc.: Dragon
Element: Fire
Mate: None
Appearance: Red dragon with black scales
Personality: Same as my dark angel
Family: None
History: None

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