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This is recommended for mature audiences contains drug use, swearing, mature scenes and abuse.
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Alexis's P.O.V
The music filled my eardrums pouring into my soul as I took yet another shot of tequila. This is what freedom felt like and it was a feeling that I didn't want to go. I forgot about the scars, the worry, the fear, this is who I was not someone I wanted to be.
My hips moved to there own beat and I felt the loud music pulse through my body. I grabbed Sarah's hand and dragged her away from the bar nearly stumbling over my black pumps.
"Let loose a little" I screamed over the music, hoping she could hear me, "there's no one who can hurt me, you anymore".
She glared back at me face red with fury. "I'm sick of this Alexis, we do this every night, he will come back" she rolls her eyes at me i ignore her and throw my hands in the air and let the music move me.
"You can't just dye your hair different colours, drink, smoke and automatically become a new person, this isn't you." I stopped moving, "I don't want to be that weak piss that I used to be I want to show people I'm strong" I stayed serious for a second then start giggling cause I don't want to be serious right now, I start walking to the bathroom leaving Sarah on her own.
I stumbled into the stall, not bothering to lock it. "I'm so pissed" I giggled to myself knowing that the tequila has kicked in. An overwhelming feeling of nausea took over my stomach as I hurled up the remains of the large amounts of liquid that had been induced into my body.
I heard someone walk through the restroom door an there was no familiar click of heels, I knew automatically who it was and it was not someone I wanted to see.
I felt him slowly pick up the remains of my pastel hair and holds it back. His touch still lingering on the back of my neck. I was pulled back from the toilet seat and knocked onto the cold floor by my hair, my breath hitched in my throat being knocked out my the impact.
His icy green eyes held an emotion of a murderous glare that I have seen to often and I brace myself from the impact of his fist colliding with my face.
Xavier's P.O.V
"dude just ask her" I hear Justin say over the loud music. "what do you have to lose".
"My pride if I get rejected", I exclaimed. I watch her from afar in awe of her aura. There was something about her, I'm not sure if it's her cold grey eyes that captivated me or the way her pastel hair swayed when she danced like she has no care in the world.
I heard her giggle over the music and I knew instantly that she was someone who I needed. She wasn't like the other girls Id been with I could tell; she was different.
"What, are you nervous?" Justin said with a teasing tone evident as he grinned up against a blonde with fake boobs and why too much makeup."I am not nervous, I never get nervous" I spit back at him.
I watch her as she threw her arms up in the air, flinging her head back in excitement. Her hips swayed side to side her red bandage tight dress hugging her curves perfectly.
Suddenly, she stopped dancing and giggled at her friend, I took this as my time to walk up and work my charm. When she walked out of the club and into the bathrooms.
I watched her walk away her hair cascading until it met her shoulders and her nice ass sway. The people on the dance floor abruptly parted a pathway in fear as a group of three men walked through.
Their aura, massive builds, there piercings on the face told be to stay away but that hasn't stopped me before, I made eye contact but it was like my feet froze and decided not move any longer. The three men closed the distance that was once between us. My memory had finally kicked in and I gained sight of who they were the black fury bikey gang. f.uck
The leader of the group, the more slimmer one stared at me before spitting his words in my face. "move" he says trying to scare me but I'm just that slight taller. "now".
My jaw clenched and the vein in my arms pulsates in anger. I balled my fists before connecting them with his jaw, the crack echoing through the club.
Jason cracked his neck slowly releasing any tension before propelling his fist forward aiming for my nose, before the impact could cause any damage I caught his fist in the palm of my hand.
He got up his nose bleeding from the impact, "you better watch your back, you little twat".
He wiped the blood from his nose before walking towards the girls bathroom. Following him to the bathroom, where the beautiful girl walked in earlier.
Alexis's P.O.V
"Jason," I said my Vision becoming hazy. blood covered his face and he wore a murderous glare. "his fist collided with my cheek, once, twice dreading the next impact of the more punches coming he was gone I slowly open my eyes he was replaced with a chiselled face that held a sympathetic emotion.
He held out his large, calloused hand and I took it in gratitude as he pulled my limp body off the floor. As I went to thank him he was grabbed and held against the body of jason as he held a knife to the young mans throat.
The man stayed calm as if he had been in this position before, the names Xavier," the knife was at the point where it will draw blood. He smiled at me before jabbing jason with his elbow straight in his gut. who is this guy?. Making Jason groan and lean forward releasing the tight hold that held Xavier with the knife, he took it as his chance and grabbed the front of his black shirt and bashed him repeatedly as if at any time he would run away.
Tears welled up in my eyes I can't watch this, memories rushed back it reminded me of when jason used hit me continuously. So I ran, ran straight out of the bathroom then up to the rooftop of the club. I sat at the edge of the roof letting my legs dangle of the edge, pulling at a cigarette from my bra I lite it to life and instantly felt relaxed as I drew back letting it do its job.
The memories of Jason and I's relationship flooding my thoughts, "ughhh" I scream "stop" "don't hurt me" that's all that filled my thoughts I sound so weak I don't want to be that girl I want to be strong, those are the memories that I want to forget.
I heard the door to the rooftop creak open and I instantly stiffened I didn't dare look back before I tried to run the person I thought would be jason was Xavier.
"Why do you do it" Xaviers questions.
"Do what?" I say rolling my eyes I don't feel like having a heart to heart right now.
"Act tough, smoke, hide your emotions, date dickheads." his voice sounding low and husky.
"I like to feel numb, and jason well I didn't have choice" "it makes me feel as if it never happened"
I say this conversation already boring me.
"What happened" he says looking like he cares.
"You seriously going to ask me that, your that oblivious to everything that just happened in there" I say agitated
"You mean to tell me that, that has happened before?" He eyes soften dramatically
"I don't want your pity, and why do you think I'm afraid to leave him?" I say putting my cigarette out I didn't notice I smoked it to the butt.
"Nothing is weaker than a man who hurts and abuses women and children, wether by words or his actions." I looked the other way the whole time not wanted act like I'm listening but when I look back we lock gazes.
"Thanks for the nugget of wisdom Oprah, but I don't want to listen to shit quotes to try make me feel better" I say already walking away" I kinda feel bad but he has no right to get in my business.
" I didn't get your name" he shouts as I turn the knob.
"I don't remember throwing it" I said turning around glaring, I go to turn around but he grabs my hand and turns me around.
"No thankyou?" He asked with a smirk. a very sexy smirk
"You didn't need to save me, you chose to" I say ripping my wrist out of his grasp and walking away.

Alexis's P.O.V
"GET UP, I swear to god alexis I will tip this bucket all over you."
I groan and rub my eyes, stretching my legs to realise I'm in Sarah's backyard on one of there sun beds, two inches from nearly falling in the pool. shit.
"Go away" I mumble
"Me go away you left me at that club, then I hear jason came back and fucking hurt you, then a random saved you, then you stumbled in my backyard at 4 in the morning for fuck sake."
"I love you" I say she gives me a dirty and before I know it I'm in the fucking pool.
"Bitchhhh" I scream submerging from the cold water.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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