Teenagers Or Beasts?

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A frog named sprig made his way through the forest

Sprig: Seems like the beast roams these parts so it's probably a good place for a tra-

Suddenly he was caught in a rope trap and was now hanging upside down

Sprig: Dang it! Should've seen that coming...

Just then Anne and Heather walked out of the grass. Anne was holding a sharp stick

Anne: Caught you! Thought you got the best of Anne and Heather huh? Well you didn't!

Heather: it doesn't look dangerous...

Sprig: Giant head! Spindly limbs! Face bump! THE BEASTS!

Anne: Stop following us! My friend here is already scared enough as it is!

Sprig: I have bad news for you beasts! I taste terrible!

Anne: Ew I am not going eat you

Heather: That's just gross

Sprig: You tried to eat Wally!

Heather: that's not what happened

Anne: we tried to ask 'Wally' for help but he ran off screaming the second he saw us!

Sprig: That does sound like Wally...

At that moment the three of them heard a screech in the distance

Heather: No! Not again!

Anne: It's coming back!

Sprig: What is?

Anne grabbed Heather's hand and ran off

Heather: Anne wait!

She stopped running

Heather: W-We can't just leave him behind... it's wrong

Anne: ...you're right!

Anne used her stick to cut the rope and held onto sprig

Sprig: what are you doing?

Heather: Helping!

Anne Heather and Sprig hit in a fallen tree trunk and the monster walked away

All: Phew...

Sprig: You... you saved me! You're not a beast at all! You're a hero! An ugly, ugly, ugly hero!

Heather: that's rude!

Anne: call her ugly again and maybe I will eat you

Sprig: Ha! You're not gonna eat me. You got names strangers?

Anne: My name's Anne. Anne Boonchuy.

Heather: I'm Heather Phoenix

Sprig noticed Heather's yellow hair streak

Sprig: hey how did you get that yellow stuff in your hair?

Heather: Oh someone made part of my hair a different color on purpose when I was a kid. But for some reason it never faded but I like it this way anyway

Anne: I always wanted to dye my hair!

Sprig: Oh I forgot to tell you both my name! I'm sprig planter!

Sprig shook Anne's hand but his hand was super slimy

Anne: So... your hand just barfed on my hand

Heather: Um... sorry to change the subject but do you have any food around here?

Sprig: Sure do!

He lifts up a part of the trunk and bugs are crawling around underneath

Heather: Ew...

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