five guys, three zombies, and a gunshot - chapter three

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A/N: i wrote this all throughout today so if anything feels rushed, that's why. this chapter is a bit over 4k words, and actually has quite a few warnings I wanna give:

our first real battle scene happens here so there's some violence, and there's some pretty gross descriptions of zombies and their bodies. also, brief moment of someone throwing up. and finally, right at the end, there's just the sound of a gunshot. as we progress, guns will become a weapon some of them use more regularly, so I wanted to take a second to point that out for anyone who might be uncomfy.

have fun


"If I have to go one more day eating eggs or bread and without a real shower, I'm going to throw myself at one of those zombie creatures." 

Nick slumped after sliding into the booth, joining and sitting across from Johnnie, who was flipping through a book that had been among the others on the shelf that was now pinning the door shut. He looked up, chuckling at his words, "We're only on day five. If this goes on as long as most apocalypse movies, all of us would die from boredom and or smelling gross." 

They had been using hand soap in the bathroom and running water to "clean" themselves, but that was only so effective when they didn't have clean clothes to change into. Jake brought up the idea of running down to the thrift store for a new outfit, especially since the street that they were on seemed to be pretty clear, but no one wanted to risk leaving unless it was absolutely necessary. 

And as long as they still had food, shelter, and running water, it technically wasn't. 

"What're you reading?" Nick slightly changed the topic, leaning forward and placing his elbows on the table. 

"History of rock music." Johnnie lifted it up to show off the cover before placing it back down, "I already know some of it, but it's pretty interesting." 

"Did you read as a hobby before all this?" the triplet questioned. The emo laughed at that, 

"Absolutely not. I'm dyslexic, actually." he huffed, "But like everyone else, I'm bored." 

"Matt sorta picked up reading just before all this, but he's never been so dedicated to it before." Nick looked over to where his brother was sat, curled up in one of the arm chairs with a mug filled with fruit juice on the table in front of him. There was also a few other books there, placed in a little stack. 

The man had worked his way through a good handful of books in a few days without anything to distract him besides eating and occasionally double-checking that the bookshelf effectively held the door shut. 

"I've been listening to whatever albums I saved to my iCloud when I was like, seventeen, and I'm getting sick of it. I can only loop early Panic! At The Disco albums so many times before wanting to throw my phone out the window." Johnnie admitted without anything to prompt him, pulling his device from his pocket and placing it on the table in front of him. "Do you know who's using the charger? I should plug it up, honestly." 

Throughout the whole building, they found a grand total of one charger hidden in the employee break room that was the size of a closet. Matt was using his phone to take some sort of notes, and Johnnie used his for music, but the rest of them just occasionally tried sending out texts and calls to no avail. 

"I don't think I've even bothered charging mine." Nick said, shaking his head to answer his question. "At least you have something to listen to, and earbuds." 

"I'm really shocked I had them and that they actually work- they were rotting in the bottom of one of the pockets in my leather jacket for months. Closer to a year, probably." Johnnie chuckled, folding the corner of his page and shutting the book, sliding it to the side so that it sat next to his phone. "Are there any plans for the day?" 

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