Wardell sighed then rubbed the bridge of his nose. "How many times do you want me to tell you that Kiana is not involved with any of this?"


"No, Alani. That's enough!" He said sternly. "I've given you enough space and time to adjust. We're doing this whether you like it or not. You're only trying to pull out because you know it's real now."

Wardell sat on the bed next to me and gave a sympathetic look. "I know you're scared but I want you to know that nothing is going change between us. You're always going to be my best friend, Ally."

Just by looking at him, I could tell he was being sincere. I wanted to believe him, I really did. But I couldn't because I knew everything was changing now. No girlfriend would be okay with what Wardell and I consider to be a 'friendship'.

At least I have Klay right.

"Okay, let's just do it." I caved. I decided not to be a pain in the ass anymore. I know he's probably nervous about me meeting Kiana anyway so I'll take some stress of him.

"Like Nike." He dapped me up.

"Now, go help your daughter before she cames back and bosses us around." Wardell kissed my head then went to tend to our baby girl.


After Wardell and Raelyn left, I joined my family for breakfast downstairs. Per usual, my mom slayed in the kitchen. After breakfast, my nephews, Kameron and Kross helped me tidy the house up a bit. We got all set up for the party. I visibly cringed when I saw Kamron blow up the 35 balloons. The theme was gold and the guest list wasn't long. My parents, my sisters (if the other one apologies), my brother in law Terrence, Dell, Ayesha, Sydel and Damion, and Seth and Callie. Jordan couldn't make it because he was spending time with his family back home in Milwaukee. Hazel sent me a gift but she understood why I didn't invite her and Draymond.

I went upstairs and started on my makeup. Someone knocked on the door. I turned to the side to see Manny walk in. She looked like she'd been crying.


She smiled softly. "I'm sorry, Alani. I'm sorry about everything I said. I'm just going through a lot and I didn't mean to project that onto you."

I nodded in agreement. "I forgive you, little sis. But if you ever feel some type of way about something, just know I'll always be open to hearing you out. As long you don't bash my mom in the process."

"I love Angelique and I appreciate everything she's done for me. I guess me blowing up like that was just pent up from all those years ago." Manny explained.

"When all this settles down, maybe we should have a talk with both my mom and Dad so you can real clarity about what happened between them." I suggested. I know my dad doesn't like to talk about the affair but clearly it has affected more than just him.

"Maybe we should get Miguel in the room too." Manny added.

I haven't seen him since the reunion earlier this summer. He's isolated himself from the family since we know he was trying to manipulate my dad into giving him money.

"Good idea." I said.

"Oh, and happy birthday." She leaned down to hug me before excusing herself. "Your present is downstairs."

It feels like we've been celebrating for over two weeks now. Frankly, I was over it already.

I managed to finish my makeup with no further interruptions. Since cutting my hair into a bob, I've had to style it everyday, which could get very annoying but I liked the shorter hair. It was different.

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