Chapter 2, Act 1

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Complete silence, and then I could feel fifteen pairs of eyes land on me.

The first thing I notice is that none of the Ultimates look alike. All of them were of different heights, hair colors, eye colors, clothing styles. Some lounged on the plush velvet sofas of the common room, while others leaned against the wall, while the more rebellious types sat on tables, next to the decorative taxidermied animals that were dotted around the tables. A whirl of suits, dresses, ties, coats, but also jackets, shorts, hats... No common linking feature between any of them, really. There's no way you'd see them out in public and be all, hey, aren't they those Ultimate kids? Despite this, they all seemed to share a common aura of unique talent and power under the chandelier and fireplace's soft, warm light, and a sort of familiarity from all the articles, interviews, performances, and more they've been in, as if you'd known them all your life.

"We," I mentally corrected myself. Not "they." I'm an Ultimate too, now. And just like them, I've been in countless articles and interviews. We're a group, whether we like it or not.

"Hello again, my dear Ultimates! Please welcome the final member of your cohort: the Ultimate Detective Novelist! I hope that you all will make her feel very welcome here. Or not. It's not my problem," said Mononeko flatly. "Although, I would rather you be nice to her since she's one of the only Ultimates I actually like."

The others clearly did not share this opinion of me, since the girl in a navy blue suit pushed her way through the crowd and eyed me up and down, scowling.

"And she's finally out of her room. Does this... Lolita girl know just how long we've been waiting?"

Well, she's not wrong. Her eyes drifted over my wine-red dress, full of unnecessary frills and fabric, and then my matching hat and parasol at my side. Although... I would rather "Lolita" not become my new nickname, since it has a different meaning to the fashion style. Plus, Beau is already a perfectly good nickname, thank you very much.

She tightened her ponytail and pushed up her red lens glasses, as if a not-so-subtle reminder that she thinks she's better than me. I frankly don't care. I'm confident enough in my own abilities as an Ultimate to be put off by her remarks. I noted her deep red curly hair and slight harsh accent, as well as her dark, hawk-like features. Most likely not American. Definitely not Japanese.

"Well, girl? Are you even an Ultimate? Speak," she ordered sternly.

Now that you asked me to, I don't want to, I thought stubbornly, a defiant expression on my face. I'm going to have to speak eventually, but now isn't one of those times.

"Fine. Don't speak. Now I have to deal with two silent girls..." She rubbed her temples and exhaled sharply.

A boy with light blue, almost white hair pushed through with a calm expression on his face, smiling slightly. He wore a simple yet dignified light blue jacket on a white button-up with pants to match, and a thin white bow tied around his collar. His appearance was almost... artistic in the way it was put together. Modest yet elegant. He put a gentle, diffusing hand on her shoulder.

"Now now, Merian," he said softly. "None of us can blame the girls for not speaking. All of us are confused and lost." He eyed me with his head slightly tilted, sympathetic. "Besides, the poor girl just got here. At least give her some time to adjust–"

"Yeah Merian, shut up," a short girl with choppy black hair interrupted with a sneer, crossing her arms and glaring at the scowling girl whose name was apparently Merian. She had dark red almond eyes and wore white and scarlet red traditional robes, like blood on snow, robes that could've only belonged to– A shrine maiden. She must be the Ultimate Miko—or maybe Ultimate Shrine Maiden... I'm not sure what the official title is. I stared at her in amusement at her little outburst, which was clearly normal for her, considering she looked away with a little huff and went back to fanning herself calmly immediately after. What a character.

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