2. Pre-Memes

3 1 0

On the call with Bad's team on the MCC server.

George joined the game.

BadBoyHalo: George! You came!

George: Hi, Bad.

Sapnap joined the game.

George: Hi, Sapnap!

BadBoyHalo: Hi!

Sapnap: HI, Bad. Hi, George.

Dream joined the game.

George + Sapnap: DREAM!

Dream: Haven't been here in a long time!

Bad: Hi, Dream.

Dream: Hi, Bad. Anyone streaming?

Bad: Should we?

George: I will.

Bad: Me too. >:)

Sapnap: So. What are we going to do?

Bad: WIN!


Sapnap: LET'S WIN!

Dream: Woah, hold on. Sapnap, I don't doubt your abilities one bit, but Bad ... I am sorry, but you have never been good. George you can be, but you are not that good either. And I am terrible. 

Bad: We will be fine! As long as we put our mind to it. 

Spifey joined the game.

Skeppy joined the game.

JustVurb joined the game.

F1NNSTER joined the game.

Bad: Oh our opponents are here.

Dream: Fancy typing something in chat?


Bad: Hi muffins!

Skeppy: Hi!

Spifey: Hey.

Bad: Get ready to looose!

Skeppy: Get ready to winnn!

Bad: Yesss! 

Bad: We are gonna winnn!

Skeppy: No I mean

Skeppy: get ready t o be beaten,.

George: Lol, losers

Dream: L

Sapnap: L

Skeppy: L 

Spifey: Let's stop talking

Spifey: L.

JustVurb: Gl.

Sapnap: Gl.

Bad: Gl.

Skeppy: Gl. 

Skeppy: Bye. 

Exit chat.

George: OK, let's win!

Bad: We won't lose!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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